events & activities of the cluster?
Webinar (Workshop)
Key Talk: Prof. Martin Howarth (Director of National Centre of Excellence for Food Engineering )
Date and Time: 6th Aug, 2PM to 3:30PM
Key Talk: Dr Sally Fowler-Davis (Principal Clinical Academic Researcher & Research Portfolio Lead – Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC) and Honorary Research Development Lead)
Updated on 22/05/2020: Special Issue Information
ate and Time: 29th July, 2PM to 3:30PMKey Talk: Prof. Martin Howarth (Director of National Centre of Excellence for Food Engineering )Date and Time: 6th Aug, 2PM to 3:30PMKey Talk: Dr Sally Fowler-Davis (Principal Clinical Academic Researcher & Research Portfolio Lead – Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC) and Honorary Research Development Lead) health and wellbeing management systems include direct and indirect monitoring of elderly people, infants, handicapped individuals, and mental health patients, as well as for fitness activity tracking. IoT provides the opportunity to create a safe, comfortable, and welcoming personalized environment to encourage improved health and overall wellbeing. The adoption of wearable devices is just the beginning of a future pervasive and robust IoT-based health and wellbeing management infrastructure.
This Special Issue focuses on the design, implementation, testing, and issues encountered by IoT health and wellbeing applications. Topics covered in this issue will include uncompromised privacy and security during remote monitoring and tracking, mobile health, environmental monitoring, fitness and body activity recording, smart hospital management, device access control, healthcare compliance and regulations, secure data recording systems, trust-based data storing mechanisms, tamperproof storage for sensitive data, or any schemes that support reliable and secure management of health and wellbeing data.
Dr. Jims Marchang, Prof. Steven Furnell, Dr. Bogdan V Ghita (Guest Editors)