What brings OUR team together towards a common goal? 

This team was created through the Cluster Research Funding received from the Sheffield Hallam University for conducting Inter-disciplinary research activities to address and solve real world cybersecurity issues and challenges in IoT, IoMT and Multimodal Autonomous Robotic Health Care System. 

   iSec CyberNet Cluster PI and Research Lead: Dr. J Marchang  

Team Members

Dr. Jims Marchang


Dr. Jing Wang

Computer Vision

Dr. Abayomi Otebolaku

Machine Learning

Dr. Alex Shenfied

Machine Learning and AI

Dr. Timi Enamamu


Dr Shahrzad Zargari

Digital Forensics

Dr. Augustine Ikphai 

Smart Grid Computing

Dr. Caroline Millman

Food Technology

Associate Prof. Caroline Dalton

Neuroscience and Genetics 



Research Scientist and PhD Students

Mr. Kavyan

Ph.D. Scholar 

Access control mechanisms and transparency of Multimodal Robotic Care System

Mr. Olusogu

Ph.D. Scholar

Design an authorization framework that guarantees ethical disclosure of private data of a smart homeowner using Blockchain as a service.

Ms. Nnenna

Ph.D. Scholar

Food supply chain fraud detection mechanisms using IoT and Machine Learning Techniques. 

Miss. Jade 

Ph.D. Scholar

Privacy by Design Smart Hearing Technology to improve quality Independent living. 

Mr. Raymond 

Ph.D. Scholar 

Seamless Authentication using biometric gait for multimodal Robotic Care System

Joining Soon

Joining Soon

Joining Soon


Prof. Alessandro Di Nuovo is the leader of technological and digital innovations for independent lives for the AWRC leads the Smart Interactive Technologies (SIT) Research Laboratory.

Prof. Christopher Low 

CEO of Olympic Legacy Park, Sheffield

Prof. Martin Howarth

Director of the National Centre of Excellence for Food Engineering (NCEFE)