
Materials play a fundamental role in the construction of any building, including schools. Here's an overview of materials commonly used in school construction: 

Factors for material selection as recommended by NBS

The National Building Specification (NBS) offers guidance on selecting construction materials. Here are some key factors recommended by NBS to consider when choosing materials: 

1. Functionality and Performance: Choose materials based on their ability to meet functional requirements and performance criteria. Consider factors such as structural integrity, durability, thermal performance, acoustic properties, fire resistance, and resistance to environmental factors such as moisture, corrosion, and UV exposure. 

2. Quality and Standards: Select materials that comply with relevant industry standards, codes, and regulations to ensure quality, safety, and compliance with building codes and specifications. Look for materials with recognized certifications, testing, and labeling to verify their suitability for the intended application. 

3. Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Consider the environmental impact of materials throughout their life cycle, from extraction and manufacturing to use and disposal. Opt for sustainable materials with low embodied carbon, recycled content, renewable resources, and eco-friendly production processes. Evaluate materials based on criteria such as life cycle assessment (LCA), embodied energy, carbon footprint, and environmental certifications (e.g., LEED, BREEAM). 

4. Cost and Budget: Assess the cost implications of materials, including initial purchase price, installation costs, maintenance requirements, and life cycle costs. Balance the upfront cost with long-term benefits, such as energy savings, operational efficiency, and reduced maintenance expenses, to achieve value for money over the life of the building. 

5. Availability and Lead Times: Consider the availability and lead times of materials to ensure timely procurement and construction scheduling. Choose materials that are readily available from reliable suppliers and manufacturers to avoid delays and disruptions to the project timeline. 

6. Compatibility and Integration: Ensure that selected materials are compatible with other building components and systems to facilitate construction, assembly, and integration. Coordinate material selections with architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical requirements to achieve seamless coordination and compatibility. 

7. Aesthetics and Design Intent: Materials play a significant role in defining the aesthetic character, visual appeal, and architectural identity of a building. Select materials that align with the design intent, aesthetic vision, and desired aesthetic qualities, such as texture, color, pattern, and finish, to achieve the desired architectural expression and visual impact. 

8. Maintenance and Lifespan: Consider the maintenance requirements and expected lifespan of materials to ensure long-term performance and durability. Choose materials that are easy to clean, maintain, and repair, with minimal need for replacement or refurbishment over time. 

By considering these factors during the material selection process, construction professionals can make informed decisions to choose the most suitable materials for their projects, balancing functional, aesthetic, environmental, and economic considerations to achieve successful outcomes.

Main Material used  

Steel Frame Construction

Timber Cladding 

Timber cladding has several advantages that make it a popular choice for building construction:

Oak Wall Panelling

Oak wall paneling is an excellent choice for those who want to add a timeless and sophisticated look to their interiors. It has a natural grain and texture that provides depth and character to wall surfaces, creating a visually appealing space. Oak is a hardwood known for its strength and durability, making it perfect for high-traffic areas and long-term use. Moreover, oak's warm tones and natural beauty create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in any space, making it an ideal option for living rooms, bedrooms, offices, and commercial spaces. Oak panels also offer some degree of sound insulation, reducing noise transmission and improving acoustic comfort. Additionally, oak panels can be customized in terms of size, finish, and style to suit individual design preferences and project requirements.

Glass Finishing

Cure-it Roofing