
Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety policy

This Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Policy template is ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and is designed as a starting point for establishing employment policies on occupational health and safety, or OHS. A Workplace Health and Safety Policy may also be referred to as an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policy.

What is an occupational health and safety (OH&S) policy?

Policy brief & purpose

Our Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Policy help us preserve the best possible work conditions for our employees. Every employee has a right to feel safe at work. Our company is committed to follow legal standards and create a hazard-free workplace.

Our Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Policy help us preserve the best possible work conditions for our employees.


This Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Policy applies to all prospective and current employees of the company as well as volunteers, contractors and consultants.

Policy elements

There are two aspects to consider when establishing an Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Program: Preventative Action and Emergency Management.

Preventative action

Preventative action is any action we take to avoid injuries or illness related to workplace conditions.

We’ll conduct periodical risk assessments and job hazard analysis to discover what is likely to harm employees. We’ll establish preventative measures accordingly.

Potential threats and dangerous situations include but are not limited to:

      Performing tasks on heights, scaffolds, ladders and other unsteady structures

      Chemical substances (toxic, flammable etc.)

      Operating dangerous equipment

      Slippery or uneven surfaces

      Electrical infrastructure


      Quality of air

We’ll take the following preventative measures:

      When employees work in dangerous contexts or locations, we’ll make sure there are safety precautions like safety nets and ropes.

      We’ll provide protective gear like gloves, protective uniforms, goggles etc. Using safety equipment is obligatory.

      Inspectors and quality control employees will inspect equipment and infrastructure regularly

      We’ll hold employee training sessions in health & safety standards and procedures.

      All highly dangerous job tasks require at least two employees to be present

      Exposure to chemicals and radiation will not exceed a certain time limit

      Employees who do repairs or cleaning need to put up caution signs

      We’ll prohibit smoking indoors

Also, we’ll enforce a substance abuse policy to protect employees from colleagues’ misconduct.

Emergency Management

Emergency management refers to our plan to deal with sudden catastrophes like fire, flood, earthquake or explosion.  These depend on human error or natural forces.

Our emergency management involves the following provisions:

      Functional smoke alarms and sprinklers that are regularly inspected by [maintenance supervisor]

      Technicians (external or internal) available to repair leakages, damages and blackouts quickly

      Fire extinguishers and other fire protection equipment that are easily accessible

      An evacuation plan posted on the walls of each floor and online

      Fire escapes and safety exits that are clearly indicated and safe

      Fully-stocked first-aid kits at convenient locations

We’ll also schedule fire drills and emergency evacuations periodically. We will monitor performance of health and safety procedures and will revise them to ensure higher level of protection.

Additional measures

Our company will also keep abreast of changes and try to promote health & safety actively. We will:

      Update our policy according to changes in occupational health and safety legislation.

      Use incentive actions for health & safety (e.g. presenting safe employee awards.)

      Analyze past incidents to discover what went wrong.

      Establish clear procedures for accident reporting.

      Revise work procedures to make them safer.

 Our company will also consult experts or insurance representatives to ensure it complies with local and international standards.

Disciplinary Consequences

Every team leader is responsible for implementing this health and safety policy. Employees should follow health and safety instructions and will be held accountable when they don’t. We’ll take disciplinary action that may extend to termination when employees consistently disregard health and safety rules.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to contribute to a healthy and safe workplace.