Dates of Events, Training, drop ins etc

AHP Mentor/Employer drop ins :

The drop in sessions take place monthly- please find the timetable plan here

Please do share this timetable onto anyone who would like to attend, please note that this session is not mandatory, it is an informal drop-in, you do not have to accept the meeting or book a place to attend.


This may be about accessing IT systems such as Maytas, pebblepad, questions relating to training plans, off-the-job learning, preparation for progress reviews, EPA or might be about aspects of the curriculum.


We will have academic staff and work-based coaches present, but bear in mind we will not have representation from every AHP DA course.

Please also bear in mind that this will be an open event and so is not the forum to discuss specific apprentices, name individuals or discuss personal information- if you need help with this then please contact the course leader directly

Physiotherapy Course leader drop ins:

An informal opportunity for apprentices, mentors or employers to drop in an ask any questions, give feedback or just say hi. These happen every six weeks via teams. This is the schedule.

TEAM meeting - "Tutor, employer, apprentice" meetings:

These are more formal meetings that happen every 6 months asa formal opportunity for staff, apprentices and employers to share good practice and feedback. Apprentices are represented by their group reps, all modules leaders are invited and all course leads attends. Employers are also invited.  NEXT TEAM meeting will be Friday 21st 9.30-12

Dear all

We would like to invite you to the bi-annual Tutor, employer, apprentice and mentor (TEAM) course review meeting. This session will be led by Aimee France (AHP DA Portfolio Lead) and will have DA course leaders, course teams and apprentice course reps in attendance.

This meeting is a chance for us all to come together to review and discuss the AHP apprenticeship courses and continue to strive to work towards a quality experience for all involved.

The meeting will start with general discussions around shared aspects of the course that affect all AHP apprentices

We will then move into course specific break out rooms to have the opportunity to discuss course specific issues with the course leaders and course teams present.

All employers and mentors are welcome to join for the whole afternoon as we think it is really important that you hear the whole academic review, but we will focus more specifically on employer and mentor feedback at the latter part of the day. Feel free to nip in and out of the meeting as able if you cannot join for the whole morning. Please do forward this invite onto anyone who you feel should/would like to be in attendance from your organisation.


09:15- 09:30

Joining, welcome, introductions and apologies

09:30- 10:20

DA AHP shared issues:

AHP DA Portfolio and course reapproval update

Library services, technical operations, student support

Integrated Care Curriculum learning

10:20- 10:30

Switch to new zoom rooms for remainder of meeting- links TBC







Medical US

10:30- 11:15

Profession specific academic feedback

Semester 2/3 module leaders


DA AHP shared issues:

Work-based mentor and employer feedback


Summary and sharing of learning, agree actions plans


 Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 384 205 112 081
Passcode: MTWnoe