Parents & Carers

Information for Parents

All our schools work with our Educational Psychology Service to help children and young people make the most of their education.

Educational psychologists aim to provide a clearer picture of how to help your child make progress at school. We may do this by:

• Having discussions with school staff

• Observing your child at school

• Speaking to any other professionals who are involved with your child

• Doing activities to find out how your child learns

• Having discussions with you and your child

• Looking at your child’s work

• Providing support at transition stages, e.g. when a child moves from primary to secondary school

How can an EP help?

We can provide new ideas and advice to schools and parents/carers about how best to support your child. We can also provide information on additional support available and other professionals who might be able to help.

It is your decision whether your child is referred to an EP. Your child’s school may suggest it and will explain why they think this is a good idea. If you are confused or unsure, you can arrange to speak to our educational psychology service before making your decision. You may change your mind at any time.

Meeting our EP

We will usually see your child in school and you will be informed whenever we visit. Most of the time, you are not required to be present for our consultations with your child or for discussions about your child with school staff. You can review a written record of any consultations we have.

After we have assessed your child, our EP will arrange a meeting with you and the school to discuss the findings and provide ideas to help your child.

Information about your child

We will only share information about your child to people approved by you. This will usually be the school and other professionals involved with your child.

If we believe there is an issue relating to child protection, our EPs have a duty to share this information with our principal psychologist to seek further advice.

Contact us

We are always happy for you to contact us and will answer any questions you have. Your child’s school will be able to provide the name of the EP who is working with your child.


You can find more information about specific topics here or by clicking on the Resources tab.