Ignatian Pedagogy

Online Faculty Development Course

A Jesuit Republic of Learning

Canisius University was founded by the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits, a Roman Catholic religious order founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the sixteenth century.  The Jesuits have thought a lot about teaching, learning, and their relationship to human affairs generally.  

Our coursework is not Roman Catholic indoctrination but we do well to incorporate the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) into our courses.  It's a blend of humanistic focus on the bigger picture, and practical means to promote peace, justice, freedom and prosperity in our world.  

What follows is a brief description of the IPP.  As usual, Canisius offers more in-depth help for teaching on this topic.  See our Mission-in-Curriculum Resource

The IPP emphasizes the relationship between learning, reflection, and action.   Like online teaching, this can be a challenge for professors in fields where lecture and exams are the classroom norms. 

Similar to instructional design the IPP does not insist on a linear process.  Performing at any stage probably means also doing a bit at other stages, too.


Audio Clip





Audio Clip

IPP 2 Experience.mp3


Audio Clip

IPP 3 Reflection.mp3




Audio Clip

IPP 4 Action.mp3


Audio Clip

IPP 5 Evaluation.mp3


At heart, the Ignatian Pedadogical Paradigm promotes action instead of mere clinical observation or learning only for its own sake.  But it also rejects shallow or ill-informed generalizations that fail to address social, political or economic problems, or that promote prejudice and injustice.  

Our Ignatian identity means Canisius University is not just a collection of specialized training programs, but is instead a place and project serving a more human, just, and prosperous world.