Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost?

Nothing! Edcamp is a free professional development that is lead by YOU!

A light breakfast will be served.

Where should I park?

Parking will be in the far right lot when facing the front of the building.

When on E Ram Blvd, you will follow the road around the track and turn left. The first lot on your left is where Edcamp participants should park.

What is the format?

This isn't your typical professional development! Instead of planned presentations, each session will be discussion and conversation led. Participants determine the topics for the day and take an active role in setting the direction of the conference. Each participant brings their own ideas and experiences to share, which means we learn from each other!

Do I have to speak or present?

No! While we encourage everyone to participate, if you just want to sit back and soak it all in you can! Presenting does not mean preparing a presentation, we want these sessions to feel like a conversation. Think of them as a brainstorming session, where everyone coming into the room has different ideas and experiences to share.

What does a session look like?

Sessions will vary depending on the amount of people in the room, and the level of expertise. Typically the sessions are free-flowing and allow for everyone to contribute.

What do I bring?

  • Yourself

  • A fully-charged device.

  • Something to write with

  • A willingness to share and learn alongside your peers!

Do I need a "tech" background to participate?

Absolutely not! Edcamps are for anyone that wants to spend their day thinking about, talking about, and learning about how to improve their educational practice.
