
A Message From the Art Department

Welcome to the Monroe-Woodbury District Art Show. Our district art teachers and students have created a virtual experience that highlights the artwork that has been made throughout the school year. You will find selected artwork from all grades K-12. Please take the time to wander through the virtual galleries of each of the district school buildings and grade levels.

We hope you enjoy your experience viewing the images of artwork created by our amazing students with all of their hard work here on display.

Be sure to visit the SENIOR ART MAJORS featured on their own pages along with their bios and portfolios.

The K-12 Art Department faculty would like to thank the MWCSD Board of Education and Administration for their tremendous support of our art program.

We are also grateful for the entire MWCSD faculty and staff. Thank you for the kindness and generosity you show us each and every day making our work with our students possible.

A special thank you to Marc Gawron, High School Social Studies teacher and Technology Coach, for once again, going above and beyond his duties by making sure we were able get our art show launched in a timely manner, and that all of the students and staff were supported while creating this site.

To the MW families and community, we truly appreciate all you do to support the arts in our district. Your continued support makes it possible for us to offer our extensive and highly regarded art program. Throughout this past year, it is more evident than ever before, that the arts provide our students with the opportunity to be confident, to be compassionate, and to be courageous.

With all of us working together our students will flourish and continue to have hope for their future.

With our sincere gratitude,

Kathleen McGuckin-Van Gelder, District Art Coordinator

and the K-12 Art Department,

Wendy Ackerman, Margaret Angeloro, Katie Conklin, Rebecca Doerfer, Tracie Foster, Kathleen Gitto, Lena Hauser, Doreen Kelly,
Fay Pacht, Elizabeth Pesce, Jessica Piren, Mallory Spina, Christopher Truett, Rebecca Walker
, and Charles Witte