PGP-Professional Growth Plan

What is a professional growth plan?

Professional growth plans (PGPs) are job-embedded, self-directed professional development. With a PGP, teachers, administrators, paraeducators, and ESAs set their own goals, align them to certification standards, design an action plan, and collect evidence documenting growth towards achieving their goals. Educators then reflect on the process. There is no cost to an educator for a PGP.

Only one PGP may be completed to help meet the requirements of the General Certificate.

A PGP cannot be completed to attain a Subject Matter Certificate.

Sample PGPs

  1. Meets Expectations

  2. Does not meet Expectations; does not meet Rubric

Clock hours

Clock hours from PGPs may also be used in the paraeducator certificate program. PGPs are equivalent to 25 clock hours.

How do I complete a professional growth plan?

  1. Complete the PGP template – PESB form 1697 (document).

  2. Attach evidence from your focused evaluation, PLC, project, or other learning experience.

  3. Have a certificated Washington State educator review and sign.

  4. Turn in the verification form (PDF) according to your district procedures and record in EDS/e-Cert.