College Representative Visits

MVHS Students

MVHS ​​Students:

​College Representatives will be visiting MVHS throughout the fall both in person and virtually.  It is a chance for Juniors and Seniors to learn more about your college options and admission requirements​.  Only Juniors and Seniors may attend. 

To view the Rep Visits schedule and sign up for these Rep Visits, please login to Naviance.   

​1) Login to Naviance >College > College Visits

2) Scroll through the visits, select “Register Now” for those you would like to attend.

3) SHOWING YOUR REGISTRATION IN NAVIANCE IS YOUR PASS IN ORDER TO ATTEND THE COLLEGE VISIT. It is always up to the teacher whether you will be able to leave class to attend these sessions. 

4) Attend the college rep visit.  

Questions to Ask a College Representative

Source: Get it Together for College 2nd ed. (College Board 2011).

Handout 3E

College Counseling Sourcebook, 7th Edition. © 2012 The College Board. All rights reserved.

College Representatives

College Representatives

Thank you for your interest in visiting Mount Vernon High School.  We are using RepVisits to schedule college visits.  You may go to to get a free account.  Once signed in, please view the calendar and schedule your visit.  You will be contacted only if there is a conflict with your time requested.  Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you at the time you requested.