
Rube Goldberg Challenge

Students worked in a group to research simple machines and put together a presentation. Items to include were the six types of simple machines, how they each work, examples of each type, and a picture of each type. Students then were challenged to create a Rube Goldberg Machine to trap a robber.

Santana and Ryleigh't slideshow.
video Amy C 4_18_2022 9_34_02 AM.mp4
Dax and Camden Simple Machine slide
video Amy C 4_13_2022 4_04_17 PM.mp4
The 6 Simple Machines Kinley, Kinley and Mason
video Amy C 4_12_2022 12_20_53 PM.mp4
video Amy C 4_12_2022 9_58_40 AM.mp4
Trevor and Rodric's slideshow
video Amy C 4_11_2022 9_31_03 AM.mp4
By Ryder and Corbin
video Amy C 4_14_2022 9_07_19 AM.mp4
Kayleigh, June and Olivia slideshow
video Amy C 4_18_2022 9_39_40 AM.mp4
THE Most Incredibles SIX Simple Machines by Brie and Ryland