Fine Arts


Art 1

Course #: 7001

Grade: 10-12

Prerequisite: None

Art I is an introductory course for visual arts. The primary purpose is to expose the student to various aspects of visual arts. The course covers self-exploration through art history, art criticism, fundamentals of design, and various media. The course must be taken in a one-year block and is a prerequisite for all advanced Art courses. LAB FEE:$20

Credit: 1

Art II

Course #: 7002

Grade: 11-12

Prerequisite: Art I

This course is designed to further develop the concepts and skills learned in Art 1 and is available for second level art students Students will use the skills and techniques learned previously to enhance artwork in two and three dimensional design using a variety of different media. The two dimensional media includes graphite, charcoal, pastels, color pencils, acrylic, watercolor, oils, and ink techniques. Three dimensional work explored in this class includes ceramics, cardboard and sculpture, along with non-traditional sculpture materials. The student will develop an ability to make effective choices concerning media, techniques, subject matter, methods of interpretation, and compositional design. The students will study historical periods as well as critique artwork.

Credit: 1


Course #: 7003

Grade: 11-12

Prerequisite: Art II

Designed for serious art students this course stresses the ability of the student to explore the arts and begin to develop his/her own personal style. Students will draw from their personal experiences to create artwork geared toward a unified body of work or Portfolio. Students must be able to work more independently and show a higher level of understanding of the elements and principles of art, techniques and media used. All students are expected to complete a variety of representational and expressive works resulting in a complete body of work. Group critiques and weekly creative sketchbook assignments are required. This class is responsible for the “Chalk it Up” mural or equivalent project including participation in the Spring Art Show.

Credit: 1

Art IV

Course #: 7004

Grade: 12

Prerequisite: Art III

This course is for senior students intending to pursue a career, or a serious course of study in fine arts at the college level. While focusing on the creation and development of their artist’s portfolio, students will gain increased proficiency in the use of a variety of drawing, painting, collage, and printmaking media. Emphasis will be placed on drawing and painting from close observation of still life, nature and the human form. By completing a series of projects, students will explore a variety of topics and themes, including the influence of contemporary artists and art theory on “making art.” Group critiques and weekly creative sketchbook assignments are required. Students must have proficient drawing and painting skills prior to entering. The ability to work independently without constant input is essential for success in this course. This class is responsible for the theme and curation of the Spring Art Show.

Credit: 1

Dual Credit Art Appreciation

Course #: 7027

Grade: 12

Prerequisite: Participation in the SWTJC Associates of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree Program at MVHS

A general introduction to the visual arts designed to create an appreciation of the vocabulary, media, techniques, and purposes of the creative process. Students will critically interpret and evaluate works of art within formal, cultural, and historical contexts. Three lecture hours per week. Course Description provided by SWTJC (ARTS 1301).

Credit: .5, 3 College Hours


Band I-IV: Marching, Concert & Color Guard

Course #: 7101, 7102, 7103, 7104, PE Sub 7110

Grade: 9-12

Prerequisite: Classes are Divided by Ability Level. Audition is required to ensure that students are placed in the appropriate class.

The Medina Valley Band emphasizes the simultaneous coordination of physical movement with instrumental performance. The band participates in pre-UIL events, UIL events, and other competitions held year-round. Performances also include parades, pep rallies, football games, and community events throughout the year. Students are encouraged to audition for the TMEA Region 11 Band and participate in the UIL Solo & Ensemble process.

This course is year-round, and after-school participation is expected to receive full credit within the class. Students can be involved in other sports and activities and be enrolled in a band. It falls to the student to communicate and work out scheduling conflicts.

Students may earn ½ unit of PE credit during Fall Marching Season.

Credit: 1

Jazz Band

Jazz Band I-IV

Course #: 7113, 7114, 7115, 7116

Grade: 9-12

Prerequisite: Concurrently enrolled in Band and with Director Approval

The Jazz Band serves as a laboratory for students of instrumental music. The Jazz Band provides students the opportunity to explore alternative styles and instrumentation techniques utilized within the genre and to foster creativity through improvisation, and serve as the basis for music vocations. This class does also offer an opportunity for a student to learn a secondary instrument to perform with the ensemble.

Credit: 1

Instrument Ensemble

Instrument Ensemble I

Course #: 7128

Grade: 9-12

Prerequisite: Concurrently enrolled in Band; Only with Director Permission

The Ensemble class is offered for a student to receive more one-on-one attention and building technique on their primary instrument. This is a supplemental class to allow allotted time for All-State Music, Solo and Ensemble as well as the opportunity to learn a new instrument. It will also allow students to further their technique, tone production, and better prepare for auditions and performances.

Credit: 1


Choir: Chantez Frères Choir (Tenor and Bass)

Course #: 7201, 7202, 7203, 7204

Grades: 9-12

Prerequisite: Classes are Divided by Ability Level. Audition may be required to ensure that students are placed in the appropriate class.

The objectives are to present skillfully proficient performances of a wide variety of vocal music while becoming more adept in vocal technique and skills. The musical styles range from classical to pop. Tenor and Bass choir is primarily biologically male voices. The tenor and bass ranges are the low voices in the choir.

Credit: 1

Choir: Sirens Treble Choir (Soprano and Alto)

Course #: 7201, 7202, 7203, 7204

Grades: 9-12

Prerequisite: Classes are Divided by Ability Level. Audition mau required to ensure that students are placed in the appropriate class.

The objectives are to present skillfully proficient performances of a wide variety of vocal music while becoming more adept in vocal technique and skills. The musical styles range from classical to pop. The treble choir is primarily made up of biologically female voices. Alto and soprano are the higher voices of the choir, with soprano being the highest range. This will be a UIL performing choir.

Credit: 1

Choir: Decibelles Treble Choir (Soprano and Alto)

Course #: 7201, 7202, 7203, 7204

Grades: 9-12

Prerequisite: Classes are Divided by Ability Level. Audition is required to ensure that students are placed in the appropriate class.

The objectives are to present skillfully proficient performances of a wide variety of vocal music while becoming more adept in vocal technique and skills. The musical styles range from classical to pop. The treble choir is primarily made up of biologically female voices. Alto and soprano are the higher voices of the choir, with soprano being the highest range.

Credit: 1

Choir: In Cantu Mixed Choir (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)

Course #: 7201, 7202, 7203, 7204

Grades: 9-12

Prerequisite: Concurrently enrolled in Choir; Only with Director Permission

The objectives are to present skillfully proficient performances of a wide variety of vocal music while becoming more adept in vocal technique and skills. The musical styles range from classical to pop. The mixed choir is made up of all voices, treble and tenor/bass included. This choir is intended for a more challenging experience. This will be a UIL performing choir.

Credit: 1


Dance I

Course #: 7401

Grade: 9-12

Prerequisite: None

Through the study of various styles of dance, students focus on perception, creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation--provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. Dance students develop perceptual thinking and moving abilities in daily life that promote understanding of themselves and others and allow them to interact effectively in the community. By mastering movement principles and skills, students develop self-discipline, and healthy bodies that move expressively, efficiently, and safely through space and time with controlled energy.

Credit: 1

Dance II

Course #: 7402

Grade: 10-12

Prerequisite: Dance I

Through the study of various styles of dance, students continue focus on perception, creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation--provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. Dance students develop perceptual thinking and moving abilities in daily life that promote understanding of themselves and others and allow them to interact effectively in the community. By mastering movement principles and skills, students develop self-discipline, and healthy bodies that move expressively, efficiently, and safely through space and time with controlled energy. This level of dance introduces concepts of composition and choreography.

Credit: 1

Dance III

Course #: 7403

Grade: 11-12

Prerequisite: Dance II

Through the study of various styles of dance, students continue focus on perception, creative expression/ performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation--provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. Dance students develop perceptual thinking and moving abilities in daily life that promote understanding of themselves and others and allow them to interact effectively in the community. By mastering movement principles and skills, students develop self-discipline, and healthy bodies that move expressively, efficiently, and safely through space and time with controlled energy. This level of dance advances choreography and introduces pedagogy.

Credit: 1

Dance IV

Course #: 7404

Grade: 12

Prerequisite: Dance III

Through the study of various styles of dance, students continue focus on perception, creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation--provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. In music, students develop their intellect and refine their emotions, understanding the cultural and creative nature of musical artistry and making connections among music, the other arts, technology, and other aspects of social life. Through creative performance, students apply the expressive technical skills of music and critical-thinking skills to evaluate multiple forms of problem solving. This level focuses on pedagogy and choreography of chosen styles of dance.

Credit: 1

Floral Design

Floral Design

Course #: 8130

Grade: 10-12

Prerequisite: Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Principles and Elements of Floral Design develops students’ ability to identify and demonstrate the techniques related to floral design and develop an understanding of the management of floral enterprises.

Credit: 1

Music Appreciation

Music Appreciation I

Course #: 7119

Grade: 10-12

Prerequisite: None

Music Appreciation is a for-credit Fine Arts course offered at MVHS. The expectations are high, as everything we do here on campus is a part of our culture of excellence. This course will cover a wide range of all of the things music encompasses. We will cover music history, ethnomusicology (music and culture), and music theory. An open mind and respectful attitude is required because any art form is subjective. We will cover everything from ancient Greece and Rome to Rock and Roll and beyond. Students will need to purchase their own Yamaha soprano recorder. The cost is $5-$10.

Credit: 1

Music Theory

Music Theory I

Course #: 7112

Grade: 10-12

Prerequisite: None

Music Theory emphasizes the structure of music as it relates to notation of pitch and rhythm, intervals, triads and scales. The course also highlights composition, ear training/sight-reading, introductory piano skills, listening, part-writing and basic fundamentals.

Credit: 1


Technical Theatre

Technical Theatre I

Course #: 7505

Grades: 9-12

Prerequisite: None

The student will develop and demonstrate technical theatre skills through the pre-production processes from concept (script or original idea) to performance The course will include the fundamentals of stage construction and design such as set, properties, costumes, and make-up. Each student will be encouraged to attend play rehearsals either in the fall or spring, and have a chance to serve on a production crew. Students will also learn all the responsibilities of a production crew including stage manager, designers, and directors.

Credit: 1

Technical Theatre

Technical Theatre II

Course #: 7506

Grades: 10-12

Prerequisite: Technical Theatre I

The student will focus on a specific area of technical theatre production concept and skill. The student will demonstrate an understanding of and skills in scenery, props, lighting, costumes and makeup, sound, or theatre management. The student will apply and continue learning the elements of theatre fundamentals of stage, set and property construction, costumes and make-up, as well as the basic construction of all elements in theatre. Students will learn responsibilities of a production crew and be able to actively participate in after school activities at any point of the fall or spring semester to better understand the theatrical process. Students will be able to participate in the UIL Theatrical Design Contest.

Credit: 1

Theatre Arts

Theatre Arts I

Course #: 7501

Grade: 9-12

Prerequisite: None

This introductory course is meant to engage and motivate students through active learning, critical thinking, and innovative problem solving of Theatre. The student in Theatre Arts 1 will interpret characters using their voice/body expressively and create dramatizations. Through group and individual work and performance in front of peers, the student applies acting, design, directing, and theatre production concepts and skills. The student will relate theatre to history, society, and culture, as well as evaluate theatre and theatrical performances. Students will have opportunities to work on plays and performances outside of class and help with community events.

Credit: 1

Theatre Arts II

Course #: 7502

Grade: 9-12

Prerequisite: Theatre Arts I

Expands the concepts covered in Theatre I and incorporates analysis of scripts, artistic roles, and characters. This course enhances and provides the opportunity for students to further their expertise including a unit on Commedia dell'Arte', puppetry and more. Students will have opportunities to work on plays and performances outside of class and help with community events.

Credit: 1

Theatre Arts III

Course #: 7503

Grade: 10-12

Prerequisite: Theatre Arts II

This class is an extension of the items covered in Theatre Arts II. The course involves observation and characterization, utilization of theatre history, acting, set design, directing, and playwriting. Students will apply their knowledge through casting and directing of duet scenes. The course encourages the students to further hone their craft and develop directing skills. Students will have opportunities to work on plays and performances outside of class and help with community events.

Credit: 1

Theatre Arts IV

Course #: 7504

Grade: 11-12

Prerequisite: Theatre Arts III or Audition

This class is an extension of Theatre Arts III. The course encourages more independent work in the art concerning leadership. This course requires students to demonstrate leadership by casting and directing a long scene or short play/producing a completed theatrical production. Students will have opportunities to work on plays and performances outside of class and help with community events.

Credit: 1

Course Offering Availability Subject to Student Enrollment and Staffing Levels.