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Conservation biology and evolutionary ecology, rooted in basic ecology, evolution, and behavior

General Research Interests & Philosophy

My research is centered in conservation biology and evolutionary ecology but is rooted in basic ecology, evolution, and behavior. The majority of my current work focuses on conservation-oriented projects, such as the mechanisms and ecological consequences of population fluctuations and the impacts of climate change on vertebrates, and the ecology of reintroduction efforts. My goal is to conduct fundamental science that will lead to positive management efforts and improvements in biodiversity conservation.

I began my research career focused on evolutionary ecology, and I continue to explore questions centered on polyphenisms (environmentally induced polymorphisms). Polyphenisms provide useful models for understanding phenotypic plasticity, reproductive isolation, speciation, and the production and maintenance of biodiversity.  Because they are environmentally-induced, they also provide excellent model systems for understanding anthropogenic change. It is a goal of my research to improve our understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms maintaining polyphenisms, and to relate our understanding of polyphenisms to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity, speciation, and biodiversity.

I have used a variety of approaches during my research, including the development of theory, natural observations, laboratory and field experiments, and modeling. I don’t do it alone: I have found that collaboration is an extremely beneficial and enjoyable way to conduct research, and thus I often work with teams of faculty and students focused on solving specific research problems. Additionally, I have committed my career to the training of graduate and undergraduate students, and have found the interactions with them to be synergistic in terms our mutual growth as scientists and the success of our collaborative research.

The bottom line in the Whiteman Lab can be summed up in a few mantras:

For a deeper dive into the research within my lab, check out the Publications page.