Whiteman Lab

Welcome. Here you will find information on the research conducted within the lab, my teaching interests and philosophy, and other links that might be of interest.

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Research Interests & Philosophy

My research is currently centered in conservation biology and evolutionary ecology. The majority of my work focuses on conservation-oriented projects, such as the mechanisms and ecological consequences of population fluctuations; the role of trophic cascades in maintaining and restoring biodiversity; the effects of anthropogenic toxicants on development, life history, and population growth; the impact of invasive species management on native fauna; and the ecology of reintroduction efforts. My goal is to conduct fundamental science that will lead to positive management efforts and improvements in biodiversity conservation.

Teaching Interests & Philosophy

My teaching interests are primarily in the fields of ecology and conservation biology. Understanding ecological principles is crucial for a variety of scientific questions, both esoteric and applied. My teaching goal is to provide an understanding of the biological principles that underlie the incredible complexity of natural systems. I attempt to inspire students to continue study in these topics, or at least to apply general ecological theory to their own interests in biology. For students that do not continue in biology, my goal is to broaden their knowledge of the interrelationships of organisms in nature, how these relationships evolve, and why these organisms and their habitats need preservation and careful management.

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