Editor's Note

Paul Walker

Murray State University

In April 2020, when most if not all of us were locked down in various ways, a friend half-seriously issued a challenge: they insisted that the next time we talked, a few weeks hence, I needed to have five things to talk about that were not pandemic related.

The trouble was that I struggled to meet that challenge, and ultimately fell short of the five topics. I know I’m not alone in this struggle, as there were other conversations where colleagues and friends commiserated about the difficulties of accomplishing ordinary things, even if we ostensibly had “extra” time. This reality makes small accomplishments seem larger in 2020, but saying so does not diminish those accomplishments in any way -- and this Issue is no exception. I’m proud of the authors of this Issue for their contribution to ongoing conversations that thoughtfully further our understanding of ideas that pertain to our disciplines, philosophy, and life.

As we begin 2021, I join everyone in hoping for the positive changes that will allow us to move forward without the limitations we have accepted for our health and safety. And I invite you to contribute to Intraspection; I welcome your interesting stories, perceptions, and explorations of concepts and conceptions. Enjoy this Issue.