Parent Resources


"Whoever you surround yourself with is who you will become."

"Your past is your past. It does not determine your future."

Below are links to several websites, pages, videos-all types of resources that I hope can help you become more knowledgeable about social media and the effect that it can have on our children. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time and will try to help you find answers to whatever questions you may have. 

Great resource for all things media related. Has specific section for Parents.

Ratings and discussions about videos and online games.

This UK based website has great tips for talking with your teen about social media dangers. Also help for parents and young people of all ages.

Website that offers parenting advice at all stages of childhood and many different situations.

Website that discusses different ways to help children and talking points with children as well.

Great for short examples of what should and should not be acceptable. Also resources for parents and educators.

THORN is a nonprofit created 

to fund and discover resources

to help stop and prevent child

exploitation and abuse online.

This is a great website to share

with your kids about how to 

talk to friends who might be

struggling with depression.

This website is made in the UK but has great tools for helping you talk to and realize your child's mental health struggles. 

Website sponsored by Nemours Health that gives advice and information for parents, kids, teens, & educators on how to keep kids healthy in all aspects of life. 

Child Mind Institute article about when kids are ready for social media. Other great links and articles about parenting and social media. Very good article about social media and its affects on teen mental health. Other links and articles available on the site as well about all stages of parenting. 

Great resource for articles and short videos with advice for helping raise teens and helping them have good mental health.

**Please also note the many videos on the Social Media Safety page under the Digital Citizenship tab for more great resources.**

Suggested age-based Guidelines courtesy of the Enough Is Enough website


2-4 Year Olds/5-7 Year Olds


8-10 Year Olds


11-13 Year Olds


14-18 Year Olds

Below are some books that may help guide you along this treacherous path of parenting in the digital age. They can be found on I have listed their ISBN numbers underneath if you would like to look for them elsewhere. I have not read any of these yet, but would love to find time to read all of them. 






