Social Media Safety

So many dangers, such little protection

I would suggest previewing these first and then watching with your children as you see fit. Pausing for discussion during or having meaningful discussions afterward would open up some important dialogue. Try not to be accusatory, just supportive, letting your children know that you are there for them and you want to keep them safe. Tell them you are there to listen, not judge. 

Childhood 2.0- Please watch first without your kids and then again with your kids and pause for discussions

What really happens

"If you wouldn't shout it out loud at the mall, you shouldn't post it online."

Viewer Discretion Advised

Please preview without children present

Disturbing/explicit dialogue

"If they didn't have tech, they'd have a black eye every day." 

Great explanation of how Social Media works

Short about perspective, bias and social media reporting news

Is seeing believing?

Great perspective 

"Social media is a popularity contest where teens seek validation from the pictures they post to the number of likes they receive."

Great Advice

Phenomenal Young Lady

Great Points

"Police trying to stay on top of online predators is like trying to put out a forrest fire with a squirt gun."  

-Donna Rice Hughes

"The sexual exploitation of children is a public health issue."  -Donna Rice Hughes

How to talk to your kids

How sending inappropriate 

photos go wrong quickly

If you have Netflix, this is a MUST WATCH! Social Dilemma

Watch before you watch with your children.

This is also a great one to watch with your children. You can find it streaming on some free channels.