Activities for Wellness

5 Senses Nature Walk

Age: any

Resource needed: none

Activity: The goal of this activity is to use your 5 sense while on a walk outside. What do you see? What do you smell? What can you touch and what does it feel like? What do you hear? What do you imagine the things you see taste like?

Forest Bathing

Ages: all

Resources needed: none

Activity: Forest Bathing (also known at Shinrin-Yoku in Japanese) is a practice of taking in the forest through our senses. Even a small amount of time in the forest can have a positive impact in our health and we encourage to walk through the forest as much as you are able to. You will benefit the most if you completely unplug during this time.

Sit Spot

Ages: All

Resources needed: optional resources include a blanket or a chair/cushion to sit on, a pen/pencil and a journal if you wish to draw or write

Activity: A sit spot is a specific outside place of your choosing that you can go to repeatedly to help you unwind and take in the natural surroundings. Choose a spot where you can be for 5-45mins - somewhere that is safe, close to home, and that is easy to get to (backyards make excellent locations for sit spots!). You may want to bring a notepad to draw what you see or journal while you are unwinding. It can be a time for you to check in with all your senses.

This activity can be done at anytime and anywhere. It makes for a perfect opportunity to disconnect during lunch or recess.

Tree Gratitude Map

Ages: All

Activity: Print off the Tree Gratitude Map and see how many items you can “check off” each day or week.

Adopt a Tree or Plant

Ages: All

Activity: Pick a small tree, bush, plant or flower nearby your home. Your task is to keep an eye on it everyday and notice how it changes. Keep a journal and answer the following questions: what do you notice? Do you think an animal has been around it, why or why not? Measure the trunk or stem, count the leaves/branches (if possible). You may want to draw it from different perspectives or write a poem about it over the week.