
Mrs. waneck

This six weeks has been

a good one for 6B

The 4th six been has been good one for Mrs. Waneck's class.They are learning to write research papers. Some things they don't like doing but they still have to do. Ethan doesn't like to do do laundry. Jackson and Desiree do not like going to school. Ryder and Baylie do not like doing their chores. Emma D doesn't like vacuuming. Sophia and Anna Kay do not like doing the dishes. Allie doesn't like waking up for school. Emma G doesn't like brushing her teeth. One thing 6B likes is basketball! Emma D, Colt, Megan, Desiree, Sophia, Danni, Allie, and Ella's favorite NBA team is the L.A Lakers. Casen likes the Blazers, and Kyle enjoys watching the Dallas Mavericks! Another thing 6B likes is animals! Baylie spirit animal is a cat. Casen said he would want to be a rat. Emma D wants to be a snake and Grayson wants to be a turtle. Ryder said he wants to be a goldfish and Emma G wants to be a wolf. Both Colt and Desiree would want to be a dog. Anna Kay said she would be a donkey and Danni decided she would be a monkey! These kids are also enjoy keeping themselves busy in the winter. Garrett and Seger like the snow. Katilyn enjoys sleeping and Lillian likes playing video games with her friends. 6B had a great 4th six weeks and is ready for a even better 5th.

by Paityn and Emma K