Happy Weekend, all! We had a very eventful week with weather. I hope everyone is staying safe and warm! Next Friday (1/17) will be an all-school EARLY DISMISSAL (12:50).
From the MSM Power of Prayer Group:
MSM Dads - You’re invited to the Arkansas Catholic Men’s Conference on Super Bowl Saturday, February 8th, 2025 at Christ the King, LR. Register today!
MSM Moms - You’re invited to the Women of Hope Day of Retreat on Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at Christ the King, LR. Plus a Bonus Evening of Preparation on Friday, January 31st.
Register today!
Attention Juniors & Sophomores:
The 2025 College Trip is heading to TEXAS February 23rd - 26th!
Take a look at the trip information & itinerary here!
Registration is open now - January 24th
Complete the 2025 College Trip Interest Form - asap
Have a parent submit the College Trip Deposit FACTS Authorization Form - by 1/24
Turn in the Field Trip Permission Form - by 1/24
Help us spread the word! Prospective 6th-8th graders and their families are invited to experience the Mount difference on January 28th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Share this link with friends and family who may be interested in learning more about MSM:
Check out our new MSM Business Directory!
In an effort to encourage members of our Mount St. Mary Academy community to support one another, we have created this resource to showcase the businesses of our alumnae, current and past parents, grandparents, Community Partners and others connected to our school. Be sure to support these businesses and let them know you saw them in the MSM Business Directory!
Bring your chromebook to school EVERY DAY! We are not going to give out loaners if you forget your device!
Does your daughter need help in her Math class? She can be paired up with a Mu Alpha Theta student to get help during activity. Just scan the QR code here and fill out the form. Math tutoring during activity begins next week and will be available in room R203.
Please check your daughter's immunization records to see if she is in compliance. Any updated immunization forms should be turned in to Mrs. Rindahl in the Attendance Office.
🛍️ Let's go shopping! 🛍️
MSM's Belle Boutique website is open for shopping! All orders are for pick-up at MSM. You will get an email notification when your order is ready. Shop now at msmbelleboutique.com! (Stay tuned for information on optional uniform pieces, including joggers.)
Be sure to check out our redesigned website and to download our new MSM app! Download the app from the App Store (iOS) or on Google Play (Android), or by clicking the appropriate link in the footer of our website at mtstmary.edu, and encourage your daughters to do the same. Important news, alerts and notifications will be sent through this exciting new resource.
Upcoming Events
Campus Ministry
You are invited! Join our parent prayer group.
1/16 Mother/Daughter Rosary
1/13 9th Bball vs Benton @ MSM (6:00)
1/14 Swim Meet @ UALR (4:00)
1/15 Bowling Match @ Millennium vs J'ville (4:00)
1/15 JV/V Bball @ Sylvan Hills (5:00)
1/16 9th Bball @ NLR (6:00)
1/17 JV/V Bball vs LRCA @ MSM (5:00)
Student Info
Be sure to bring your computer (fully charged) every day!
The Finance Corner
🎓 New Scholarship Opportunity for Dependents of Disabled Veterans
We’re happy to inform you of a new scholarship for high school students who (a) are the dependent of a 100% disabled veteran, and (b) turn 18 years old while still in high school. The scholarship provides a monthly payment from the VA of approximately $1,400 through high school graduation.
Find out more here.
⚠️ Tuition Regulations for Student Athletes
Special rules for athletes set by the AAA (Arkansas Activities Association) are as follows:
Students with FACTS accounts past due by 60 days will be ineligible to participate in athletics until their accounts are current.
Financial aid for athletes can only be awarded on the basis of need, as determined by FACTS.
Tuition for athletes must be paid by a parent, legal guardian, or other family member. If a loan is secured for payment of tuition, it must remain an obligation of the parents, guardian, or other family member to repay the principal and interest in full with no exceptions.
📞 Questions?
For support: contact Yesenia Varela at yvarela@mtstmary.edu, or call the finance office at (501) 664-8006.
🎓 Nueva Oportunidad de Beca para Dependientes de Veteranos Discapacitados
Nos complace informarle sobre una nueva beca para estudiantes de secundaria que (a) son dependientes de un veterano discapacitado al 100%, y (b) cumplen 18 años mientras aún están en la escuela secundaria. La beca proporciona un pago mensual del VA de aproximadamente $1,400 hasta la graduación de la escuela secundaria. Obtenga más información aquí.
⚠️ Regulaciones de Matrícula para Estudiantes Atletas
Las reglas especiales para los atletas establecidas por la AAA (Asociación de Actividades de Arkansas) son las siguientes:
Los estudiantes con cuentas de FACTS vencidas por más de 60 días serán inelegibles para participar en deportes hasta que sus cuentas estén al día.
La ayuda financiera para los atletas solo se puede otorgar en función de la necesidad, según lo determinado por FACTS.
La matrícula de los atletas debe ser pagada por un padre, tutor legal u otro miembro de la familia. Si se obtiene un préstamo para el pago de la matrícula, debe seguir siendo una obligación de los padres, tutor u otro miembro de la familia para reembolsar el capital e intereses en su totalidad sin excepciones.
📞 ¿Preguntas?
Para asistencia: contacte a Yesenia Varela en yvarela@mtstmary.edu, o llame a la oficina de finanzas al (501) 664-8006.
Thank you to our 2024-2025 Community Partners! 🤍
Support MSM by becoming a Community Partner!