AP Calculus AB

You've made it to AP Calc AB! This course is essentially a first semester college class! This year promises to be an exciting and challenging year filled with learning and fun! As your teacher, I will be doing my absolute best to support and listen to you all year long. As the student, you will be asked to think constantly, critically, and with depth. Students will be required to use the concepts and skills learned in previous math courses. 

Throughout the year an open line of communication is key! I will be available to help you out at the first signs of difficulty however, most of the responsibility for your success falls on you.  Make sure to reach out when you need help, spend time really understanding the math topics, and enjoy this year in calculus!  

What you need for class: 

Helpful Resources

Mrs. Raff's Extra Help Day: 

Wednesday's in room B2221 - be sure to reach out for help at anytime though, through email or google classroom! 

Student Expectations: 

APCalculus AB Expectations

AP Classroom/AP Exam Registration Instructions: 

See the attached Google Doc for step by step with pictures: 

Step 1: All students in this class must register at https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/311359This is the first step in joining the AP classroom for this course as well as signing up for the exam if you're planning to take it.  Even if you are not taking the exam, you still must go through the Total Registration process, but don't worry, you will have the option to indicate that you are not taking the exam. You will be able to change your exam decision without penalty through October 31, 2023

Step 2: Use the join codes and instructions provided at the completion of step one to enroll in your AP courses and order exams in MyAP. You'll see the image below when you join the class.  

Both steps must be completed and all fees paid in full by the deadline in order to have AP exams ordered for you. 

AP Registration Dates and Fees

Regular: 9/6/2023-10/31/2023: $100 per exam

Late: 2/1/2024-2/14/2024: $200 per exam



**You can request cancellation through your TR account**

9/6/2023 - 10/31/2023: $100 refund

11/1/2023 - 4/15/2024: $50 refund

Starting on 4/16/2024: no refund  

Total Registration Directions 23-24