What's Next?

What can I do NEXT if I'm done with my homework early?

Reading: Visit myON (reading website) to strengthen your reading skills. This site is a wonderful resource that allows you to access many fiction stories and nonfiction texts. There are no time restrictions, so you may log on at home. As a reader, your goals are to: strengthen your reading stamina, study writer's craft and practice those reading strategies presented during Writing Workshop sessions.

Writing: Your writing journal should be treated as a close friend. It's always there when you need it. Feel free to compose your own fiction stories and/or research your favorite topic(s). You may also write about your day, much like a journal/diary. There's always room to revise, edit and publish any of your entries. 

Math: Visit a presented math website and/or practice your basic math facts, especially multiplication and division.  Knowing your basic facts extremely well will help you immensely when we begin multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers.