
Why assign homework?

Doing homework will help students to prepare for upcoming lessons by learning new material or it will give them a chance to practice what we have done in class already so they can solidify their understanding. It is essential that students put forth the effort and complete their homework in order to understand the material and skills covered in class. It is not meant to be laborious busy work that will take up your student's time. Students can also manage their time by using Flex time in school to seek help with their homework or get it done during the day.

Where is homework located?

Students have access to a Google Classroom page where resources, materials, and instructions will be posted for homework assignments.

Homework assignments will also be posted in the classroom and students are encouraged to copy it down to remind themselves of the expectations as part of their start of class routine.

Homework assignments are also listed on Parent Resources on Genesis.

What is the Social Studies Department Homework Policy?

This year, we have updated our policy on homework and larger projects and assignments that are completed/finished at home. All social studies teachers in both 7th and 8th grade use these same policies in order to teach students the importance of staying organized and turning in work on time. You can see the policies HERE for more information.