

  • Students must remain fever free (without medication changing their temperature) for 24 hours before attending school.
  • Allergies should be reported to the nurse; this ensure that the student's medical information is up to date.


  • Parents must be accompanied by a member of the staff during observations.
  • Questions or concerns regarding paraprofessionals should be addressed with the pupil service department or the child's teacher. Please do not bring up these matters with the paraprofessional.
  • A teacher should not tutor a student they are currently teaching. However, they may tutor that student outside of school hours if the child is no longer in their classroom.
  • Paraprofessionals should not work for the family of a student that they are currently assigned to during that school year. Paraprofessionals can work for the families who no longer have a student in their current classroom placement.

Parent Pick Up (PPU):

  • District policy enforces that main office pick ups can only occur up to 3:30pm each day. Any pick up time beyond 3:30pm will occur in the cafeteria around 3:50pm.
  • Please confirm a parent pick up via email. Email confirmations should include the actual time, the date of the pick up, and it the pick up will take place in the main office or cafeteria.
  • Only one email is necessary to schedule a routine early pick up (an example email may say: My child has an extra curricular activity every Wednesday after school. I will be picking them up early every Wednesday at 3:20). If you have a non-routine cancellation of a routine pick up, be sure to email me that your child will be taking the bus.