
What to send in:

  • Please send your child in with a nut-free snack each day and lunch each day.
  • Please send your child in with a change of clothes.
  • A pair of working headphones along with the rest of the school supplies your child needs in their school day.

Label Everything!

  • Your child is responsible for their belongings but we will try to help your child not lose items as much as we can.
  • Yes, even the each mitten your child wears to school in the winter should have their name on it. -Thank you 😊😊


  • District policy enforces that birthdays no longer should include food
  • Each child is provided with an autograph birthday shirt as a gift
  • Please let me know if you want to come for your child's birthday at least two days before you intend to come in. Parents who come in for birthdays can organize and bring in a game for the class to play. Parents may also bring in a book to read to the class and donate the book to our classroom library in their child's name (optional).

Optional School Lunch:

Children can bring a lunch from home or buy a lunch from the school cafeteria. Follow the link below for more information about VES's food service program.

Food Services