
  1. What is the influence of teacher leadership on student learning?

  1. What attributes of formal leaders and teacher leaders are most influential?

  2. Do teachers in various school contexts (e.g., public, Catholic, charter, independent) have such a strong understanding of and engagement with teacher leadership?

  1. Is teacher recruitment important? If so, how?

  2. What are the connections between new teacher orientation and their engagement with school culture?

  3. How does the influence of teacher leadership impact the career trajectories of its teachers?

  4. Is "seeing something in a teacher" a skill or process that can be described and learned?

  5. Is there a discernible difference between authentic teacher leadership and climbing the ladder? Does it matter if there is?

  1. Why do some teachers perceive skill development in their schools to be more influential than the Bachelor of Education?

  2. Is there a relationship between teacher leadership and the incidence of teacher engagement with graduate studies?

  1. How is teacher leadership nurtured and not taken for granted?

  1. How is the relationship between teacher leadership and accountability understood and enacted?

  2. How does a school strategic plan provide coherence and direction for formal leaders and teacher leaders?