
“Survivor Love Letters is a movement for survivors of sexual assault and their allies to publicly celebrate their lives. It was started by filmmaker and activist, Tani Ikeda in 2012 on the anniversary of her rape where she penned a letter to her younger self that ended with the words: “this is my survivor love letter” (survivorloveletter.com).

You are invited to write messages and create art that celebrates survivorship and show survivors that they are believed, supported and loved. This is the third year that these three post-secondary institutions will be engaging in the #SurvivorLoveLetter campaign.

Love letters can be done in any medium (such as a message, drawing, painting, photography, music, or spoken word). They can be submitted individually or by a group, such as a club, team, faculty or department.

Submissions will be posted for Sexual Violence Awareness Month throughout May on MRU, U of C, and BVC social media accounts. Submissions can be made by individuals or groups.

Click the links below to find out how to submit a Survivor Love Letter to your institution: