Bow Valley College

Bow Valley College is taking part in the #SurvivorLoveLetter campaign again for a third year.

In collaboration with Mount Royal University, and the University of Calgary, this campaign is done with the hope to promote campus communities that show caring and respect. One way to support a community of caring and respect is by showing support to those who have been affected by sexual violence.

Through the Survivor Love Letter campaign, members of the College community are asked to share messages that celebrate survivors and let them know that they are not alone, they are believed, and supported.

Some of the letters submitted will be posted throughout May 2021 during Sexual Violence Awareness Month on BVC social media accounts.

How to Submit a Letter:

Letters can be created through art, drawing, painting, design, music, spoken word, or written messages.

Submissions can be made by individuals or groups, such as a class, student club, program, or department.

Letters may also be submitted anonymously or with a signed name.

Please know that support is available at the College to those who have been affected by sexual violence.
To learn more about available support that you can choose to access, visit