Individual presentation information is located in the drop-down menus under the session day and time, with locations in bold. You can use the links at the top of this page to move directly to a session menu. Links for pre-registration events will be provided upon conference registration. 

Co-hort group information will be shared when you check-in at the registration desk and emails will be sent for online participants on Thursday.

Courtesy shuttles will be available between the hotel and library at the times listed in red in the program below. Any other transportation needs, including to and from Contemporary Calgary on Saturday evening, are your responsibility. We encourage you to coordinate with other attendees to share rides!

Click here for the hybrid/online-only program for online attendees!

Sessions are tagged by relevant theme(s). Tags are:

Thursday, March 14th Schedule

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 4:15-4:45pm

Registration 4:00-5:00pm

Registration and welcome table open at 4:00pm in the Atrium. They will be available throughout the conference.

TK: Thursday Keynote 5:00-6:30pm

Performing the Institution [A],  Ideas Lounge and Atrium
Natalie Loveless (Professor of Contemporary Art & Theory, University of Alberta)

TE: Thursday Evening 6:30-8:00pm 

Opening Reception & On-site Exhibitions,  Ideas Lounge and Atrium

Film exhibit, Viz Classroom

Storytelling Trans Futures: Digital Stories Collection [F]

  Tobias Wiggins 

Art-Hive opening, Experience Lounge   

Bailey Szustak, Artist-in-residence
Nurgul Rodriguez, Artist-in-residence
Suze Berkhout & Eva-Marie Stern, Art-Hive hosts

Sound-art installation, SLS Classroom A

Recording Booth [S]

Owen Chapman and jessie beier

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 7:45-8:15pm

Friday, March 15th Schedule

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 8:15-8:45am

Refreshments: 8:00-9:00am, The Bubble

Making/Conversation time: Open During Concurrent Sessions, Experience Lab

Breaks and Quiet time: As Needed, SLS Boardroom

FO: Friday Opening, 9:00-9:50am

Led by Tay Rogers, Ideas Lounge and Atrium and Zoom

The Art-Trade activity will be introduced in this session for anyone interested in participating!

F1: Friday 10:00-11:20am, Concurrent Sessions

F1A: Trans futures and multimedia-making session, [A], Immersion Studio
Moderator: Kathleen Sitter
  Digital Storytelling Methodologies for Dreaming Trans Futures
Tobias Wiggins

 Glitterpunk (remix) Participatory Session
Sofie Vlaad and Steph Elms

F1B: Participatory workshop [LE], [S], SLS Classroom A & B

Enacting Entanglements: Scores for the Ensemble
Amber Rose Johnson  

F1D: Hybrid feminist philosophies and affect session, Viz Classroom and Zoom
Moderator: Mario Trono

Wittgenstein’s "deep feeling,” Cavell’s “odd sense”:  A Feeling-based Philosophy of Deep Critique
Miriam Ambrosino

Felt Weapons: Wielding Affect to Harm
Erica Bigelow

Towards an Ethics of Affective Attentiveness: On Letting Ourselves Feel the Environmental and Social Costs of Our Most Impressive and Most Ordinary Technologies
Lilyana Levy

F1E: Hybrid participatory session, [A], [LE], Library Boardroom and Zoom
Moderator: Ela Pryzbylo

To the undefined yet existing and formed chorus
Xuan Huynh

Fragmented Personal Narratives: Locating Isolation and Identity in Marginalized Experiences
Billie Waller & Lilly Tran


F1F: Feminist philosophy participatory session, Formal Boardroom and Zoom
Moderator: Petra Mikulan 

From temporal privilege to temporal plurality
Jill Stauffer

The Feminist Urge Towards Non-Being : The Political Possibilities of Temporal Alienation
    Hannah Bacon
Susanne Langer’s Expressive Gestures in Dance. A Critique
    Edyta Kuzian 

Short Break: 11:20-11:30am

FK: Friday Keynote, 11:30am-1:00pm

Mapping the Body of Philosophy [A], Ideas Lounge and Atrium
Qrescent Mali Mason (Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Haverford College)

Lunch lunch generously provided by Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, 1:00-2:30pm

F2: Friday 2:30-3:50pm, Concurrent Sessions

F2A: Literary poetics hybrid session, [LE], Viz Classroom and Zoom

Moderator:  Andrea Pitts 

Violet’s Impossible Garden: In search of a queer vital form to hold the entangled expansiveness of life
Roewan Crowe

Literary Robots at Work
Namrata Mitra

To Give Name to the Nameless: Poetry as Revolutionary Imagination (Audre Lorde's Poetics)
Caleb Ward

F2B: Feminist affects/selfhood hybrid session, [LE], ADC Boardroom and Zoom

Moderator:  Irene Shankar 

Rage Between Worlds: A Defense of Destructive Anger
  Diyanshu Emandi

Defensive Anger as Healing: A Response to Systemic Racism
  Layla Mayorga

How to Make/Do a Self?  Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Living
  Inese Radzins

F2D: Hybrid Experimental Making & Doing workshop, [CW], [LE], ADC Flexible Learning Lab and Zoom

Hundreds-ing Our Way Through: A co-writing workshop  
  Maya Hey & Anna Sigrithur

F2E: Hybrid session, [LE], Library Boardroom and Zoom 

Moderator:  Kristin Rodier

Building Queer Communities: Creating and Sharing Spaces for Queer Survival and Flourishing
Oli McGowan 

The Art of a Philosophical Education: Towards a Curriculum of Identity, Meaning, and Community
Morgan Seate

Towards an Asexual Standpoint Epistemology
    Daniel Haley

F2F: Online workshop, [A], Pre-Registration Required, Zoom

Making Queered Fictive Kin
Mary Lyn Nutting

F2G: Making & Doing session, [LE], [S] Pre-Registration Required, ADC Active Learning Classroom
Podcasting for Otros Mundos & Sonic Pedagogies for World-Traveling Beyond the Ivory Tower
Emma Velez 

F2H: Making & Doing session, Pre-Registration Required, ADC Meeting Room

Feminist Rituals and Tarot Readings
  Christiana Eltiste

Short Break: 3:50-4:00pm

F3: Friday 4:00-5:20pm, Concurrent Sessions

F3A: Indigenous/Decolonial/Asian American Feminisms session, [LE], Ideas Lounge

Moderator: Jebunnessa Chapola  

Visiting: An Intergenerational Pedagogy of Foresight Within Indigenous Resurgence
maggie castor

This Feels Like Mine: Settled Affect and the Role of Settling Place
Sarah Kizuk

Navigating, Curdling, and Weaving: A Decolonial Feminist Account of Marginalized Social Identities
Youjin Kong

F3B: Disability/sexuality feminisms hybrid session, [LE], Library Boardroom and Zoom

Moderator: Elisabeth Paquette

We Have Always Been Everywhere
  Steve Muir

Stammering Friction: Three Modes of Belonging and Public Discourse

Joshua St. Pierre and Danika Jorgensen-Skakum

F3C: Experimental Making & Doing hybrid session [F], Viz Classroom and Zoom

Decameron 2.0, an onsite exhibition 

The Decameron Collective (Monique Tschofen, Jolene Armstrong, Angela Joosse, Caitlin Fisher, Kari Maaren, Izabella      Pruska-Oldenhoff, Lai-Tze Fan, Siobhan O’Flynn, and Kelly Egan)

F3D: Feminist pedagogies participatory online session [LE], [P], Zoom

Moderator: Rachel Jones

A Feminist Question-Centered Pedagogy
  Stephen Bloch-Schulman

You Might do it Wrong. But, Do it Anyway: Explorations in the Feminist Philosophy Classroom
Shaeeda Mensah

F3E: Hybrid experimental making & doing session, [A], Pre-Registration Encouraged, SLS Classroom A & B
    A Multisensory Assemblage of our Fatness: Weaving the Affective Entanglements of Fat Politic across Distance
  Carly-Ann Haney & Ramanpreet Annie Bahra: 

F3F: Hybrid panel: Hope in Crisis: Sound Research for Troubling Times, [S], ADC Flexible Learning Lab and Zoom

Moderator:  jessie beier 

Sensing in Motion: Soundwalking on the Lachine Canal
Angus Tarnawsky

Musicking as a Radical Act of Hope: An Arts-Based Theoretical Reflection
Annabelle Brault

Hope as a Very Low Frequency Practice
Nik Forrest

Hospicing Hope in Education: Swansongs, sustainability and a pedagogical ethic of listening
Sean Groten and Stephanie Schuurman-Olson

F3G:  Film viewing, followed by Q&A with participatory Making and Doing, [F] Immersion Studio

Moderator: Lauren Guilmette

NOA: A Music Film--a sonic & visual exploration of the relationship between hope and grief, featuring seven Chicago- 

       based artists
  Tay Rogers

Short Break: 5:20-5:30pm

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 5:30-6:00pm

Dinner On Your Own

Saturday March 16th Schedule

Making/Conversation time: Open During Concurrent Sessions, Experience Lab

Breaks and Quiet time: As Needed, SLS Boardroom

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 8:15-8:45pm

SO: Saturday Opening, 8:45-10:00am

Led by Eva-Marie Stern, Ideas Lounge

S1: Saturday 10:00-11:20am, Concurrent Sessions

S1A: Online feminisms session [LE], Zoom

Moderator: Namrata Mitra 

Racial Ambiguity and the Questionable Pleasures of the Racializing Gaze
    Sabrina Hom 

Micropleasures: Joy as Resistance
    Lel Jones

Remaking a (Political) Self
Rebeccah Leiby

S1B: Experimental Making & Doing session, online [F], [LE], Pre-Registration Encouraged, Zoom

Make one, pass it on: Digital story-telling practice and creation as feminist Collaboration, and Care, with the Decameron Collective
The Decameron Collective

S1C: online queer party workshop, [A], [F], Pre-Registration Encouraged, Zoom

Counter-normative Kinship as Jouissance: Celebrating Co-Created Decolonial Space
  Kelly Gawel, Sandra Stephens, and Ciclon Olivares

S1D: Making & Doing session, in-person, [A],  SLS Classroom A & B
Image-Text: Feminist Experiments in Visual Processing   

        Lauren Guilmette 

S1E: Hybrid feminisms panel, [LE], ADC Flexible Learning Lab and Zoom

Moderator: Lorraine Markotic

Witnessing as Sensing, Making & Doing*

Feminist Critiques of the Metaverse: Bodyminds and Disabled Phenomenologies
Nicholas Osaka

Doing art, doing illness: Theorizing illness, embodiment, and artistic process through feminist new materialisms
Jen Sebring

*Please watch a short film before the session, available in the Conference Materials folder.

S1F: Hybrid critical disability feminisms panel, [LE], Viz Classroom and Zoom

Moderator: Tay Rogers

“The Atmosphere We Breathe”: Temporalities of Ableism
    Ryan C. Parrey

Learning to Notice Inaccessibility, Transforming Ableist Habits  
    Corinne Lajoie

Needing as Doing, Needs as Made
    Jules Wong 

S1G: Participatory in-person workshop, [LE], [S], Pre-Registration Required, Education Classroom/Sound Studio
Messaging the Future: Lathe-Cut Records as Time Travelling Device
    Owen Chapman & jessie beier

S1H: Participatory in-person workshop, [LE], [P], Education Lab/Classroom

Improvisation and Feminist Pedagogy: Cultivating Curiosity in the Classroom
Audrey Lane Ellis

S1I: Making & Doing sound-art session, [S], ADC Active Learning Classroom

Sound Art and Feminist Philosophy
  Stephanie Koziej

Short Break: 11:20-11:30am

S2: Saturday 11:30am-12:50pm, Concurrent Sessions

S2A: Feminisms and sound studies session, [S], Education Classroom/Sound Studio

Moderator: Kristin Rodier 

 Serres’ Acoustic Topology and Its Relevance to Musical Instruments
Mickey Vallee Kimmapipiitsisinni- (Blackfoot for Compassion)

Making, Doing and Sensing at the Sonic Brink
jessie beier

S2B: Feminist aesthetics session & workshop, [LE], Viz CLassroom

Moderator: Lauren Guilmette

Prison abolition as collective poetry - transfeminismos populares in Latin America Political and Social Movements
Leyla Savloff

A feminist defense of the erotic imagination against library book bans and de-sexing the public
Jana McAuliffe

S2C: Hybrid epistemic violence/rethinking whiteness session, [LE], Library Boardroom

Moderator: Mark Migotti 

“White Fraternities”: A Tale of Two Smotherings
  William Moix

Self-Care and Anonymity: Seloua Luste Boulbina on Decolonization
Brendan Moran

All Pedagogy is Storytelling: Disrupting Settler Grammar of White Sentimentality
Petra Mikulan

S2D: Experimental Making & Doing session, [F], Pre-Registration Required, ADC Active Learning Classroom

Feminist Film Frontiers: An Exploratory Workshop Intertwining Medicine, Art, and the Patient Experience through Collaborative Filmmaking
Olivia (Autumn) Rennie

S2E: Hybrid participatory workshop, [A], Pre-Registration Required, Formal Boardroom and Zoom
Cultivating Queerly Ace and Aro Ways of Knowing, Looking, and Feeling
Ela Przybyło

S2F: Experimental Making Session online, [CW], [LE], Pre-Registration Required, Zoom

Experiments in Form—Lyric Poetry & Lyric Essays for Writing Not Philosophy
Ali Beheler

S2G: Hybrid Experimental Making & Doing Session, [A], [LE], Pre-Registration Required, ADC Flexible Learning Lab and Zoom
Waulking Together – Understanding Selfhood Through the Craft Object
Anna Mudde & Edith Skeard 

Lunch 1:00-2:30pm

Come As You Are: Drop-In Hybrid Yoga Session, 2:00-2:30

Led by Emily Kotow, Viz Classroom

Join me for a break to breathe and stretch your conference muscles.  This gentle and slow “yoga class” does not require any equipment, or even a change of clothes.  30-minutes of breathing and stretching– that will incorporate desks and chairs– is the perfect way to feel revived during a weekend of heady discourse. 

S3: Saturday 2:30-3:50pm, Concurrent Sessions

S3A: Feminisms and sound studies hybrid session, [S], ADC Flexible Learning Lab and Zoom
    Moderator: Mickey Vallee Kimmapipiitsisinni

Pointing in a Crooked Line: Corporeality and Gender Performativity in Musical Experience
Abram Capone  

Decolonial Formations of Sound and Space
Sherry Ostapovitch

The John Brown Suite
Ryan Johnson

S3B: Hybrid feminisms session, [LE], Viz Classroom and Zoom

Moderator: Elisabeth Paquette 

Bad Mathematics and Black Feminist Poetics of Gesture
  Amber Rose Johnson

Schizophrenic Consciousness: To be Black and non-binary
  Anwar Uhuru

Am I Playful? Lugones and the Decolonial Feminist Imaginary
  Shannon Hayes

S3C: Hybrid trans feminisms session, [LE],  Library Boardroom and Zoom
    Moderator: Andrea Pitts 

The Comedian’s Crisis and the Trans Heckler
  Amy Marvin

Indexing the Unindexable: Creating the Transgender Media Portal
Kit Chokly, Jada Gannon-Day, Evie Johnny Ruddy

S3D: Participatory workshop, in-person, Pre-Registration Required, SLS Classroom A & B

Philosophical Bedtime Stories
Cressida J. Heyes, Emily R. Douglas, Kim Q. Hall

S3E: Experimental making & doing, in-person, [S], Pre-Registration Encouraged, Education Classroom/Sound Studio

Somatic Co-Attunement: A Workshop on Collectively Listening to the Body
      Kristen Lewis  

S3F: Hybrid session: Critical Canon Studies: What is “the Problem” of Philosophy’s “Early Modern Canon”?, [LE],
Formal Boardroom and Zoom
    Moderator: Jamie Lindsay
Counter Pedagogies and the Early Modern Philosophy Course
Alice Sowaal
Philosophical Labour and the Making of the Canon
Rebekah Spera & David Peña-Guzmán
Philosophy as “World”-making: Inheriting the Canon as “World”-travel
Maria Mejia
Wynterian Reflections on the Modern Canon
Iziah C Topete

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 4:00-4:30pm

Break 3:50-6:30pm
Everyone heads to Contemporary Calgary!
Dinner is at the gallery, doors open at 6:00pm!
(10 min drive from Mount Royal University Library)

SP: Sonic Party, 6:30-9:00pm 

Sound Art and Sonic Dance Party, [S], Contemporay Calgary's Grotto

Sound-art:  Tay Rogers and Logan Peters

Movement-art:  Guy Obrecht 

Sonic arts dance party:  jessie beier, as Secretary of the Future DJ 

Sunday March 17th Schedule

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 8:15-8:45am

Breakfast and Refreshments: 8:30-9:30am, The Bubble

Su: Sunday 9:30-10:50am, Concurrent Sessions

SuA: Hybrid politics and feminisms session, [LE], Viz Classroom and Zoom
    Moderator: Alice Sowaal

The Atmospheric Condition of the Border: Political Placemaking and the Migrant Subject
Daniel Estrada

“Ye Be the Clear Morag Yourself”: Postcoloniality and Weather Talk
Namita Goswami
Who Feeds the Hungry Body? Towards a Feminist Philosophy of Food
Eleanor Pinto

SuB: Hybrid literature and feminist philosophies session, [LE] ADC Flexible Learning Lab and Zoom

Moderator:  Steven Engler   

Reading into the lives of Invisible Women: How Penelope’s Weaving in the Odyssey allows us to examine the invisible     labour of the philosopher
Emily Kotow

The novel Milkman as Making a Feminist Idiom
Lorraine Markotic

Making, Productivity, and Escape; or, Why I Don’t Write Philosophy about Quilting
Emily Lange

SuC: Hybrid session: Making With and Making Sense of Microbes, [LE], Formal Boardroom and Zoom

Cultures of cultures – indigenous fermenters and curd-making in Assam, India
Salla Sariola

Ongoing Song—making with and making sense of microbes in natural sake brewing
Maya Hey

 Microbial Medi(t)ation: Multi-species Care Assembled by the Vagus Nerve
    Riina Hannula

 Making Ethics with Microbes: On Health, Care, Just Living and Better Dying
    Tiia Sudenkaarne

SuD: Experimental Workshop, [LE] Pre-Registration Encouraged, ADC Active Learning Classroom

Rhizomatic evocations: Generating possible togethering-sensing-vibratings in an event
Joanna Szabo, Jennifer Pesigan, Genevieve Currie, and Sydney Burriss

SuE: Experimental Making & Doing workshop, in person, [F], [S], Education Classroom/Sound Studio

Singings (of all beings) that wander
    Stephanie Schuurman-Olson and Michael MacDonald

SuF: Participatory Workshop in person, [S], Pre-Registration Encouraged, SLS Classroom A & B

Getting a Sound Education: Sound and Silence as Foundational and Social

        Stacey Bliss and Bettina Maria

Short Break: 10:50-11:00am

SC: Sunday Closing, 11:00am-12:20pm

Debriefing, Sharing, and Closing Session, Ideas Lounge and Zoom
Led by Tay Rogers

This session will include the Art-Trade introduced in the Friday Opening session.

Hotel-Library Shuttle Service: 12:30-1:00pm