Poster Proliferations

Making, Bailey Szustak

The Original

The beating heart (literally and figuratively) of the 2024 philoSOPHIA conference poster was born in a workshop led by Qrescent Mali Mason during the 2023 conference. 

Hands, and the many ways we use them to practice philosophy, are a key motif of the conference art. These hands represent multiple modes of making, sensing, and doing, such as photography, painting, collage, gardening, and quilting, as practiced by organizers and participants of philoSOPHIA. Altogether, Making is a representation of, and invitation to, the collaboration and community that is at the heart of philoSOPHIA.

Download a PDF of the original to use as a reference.

Watch a timelapse of the creation of "Making."

The Prompt

We invite you to create and share your own version of the conference poster. There are endless ways you might engage, including:

Once you've created your masterpiece, share it with us! Use the link below to submit your image, audio, or video and information, and we'll add it to the gallery below. You can also bring it in person to be added as part of a pop-up exhibit at the conference, connected with the Art-Hive which will be an emergent, collaborative part of the event. 

You might prefer making a version during the conference itself, and so this is also an invitation to consider what medium, style, materials, and vibe you'll enjoy working with, as you participate in this collaborative making project. 

Gallery of Proliferating Versions

Brick-Built, Bailey Szustak


Paper Hands, KJ Gainor

Spoken Word

Hands Through Time,
Monique Tschofen

Digital Image

Metalics 3,
Monique Tschofen

Digital Image, Daguerrotype and stencils 

philoSOPHIA Cyano, Jolene Armstrong


Collage Hands, Mya Gomez

Mixed Media, Collage