Teaching Competencies

Professional Responsibilities 

In order to optimize growth, progress, and learning, teachers must demonstrate professional responsibility. These responsibilities should radiate internally as the teacher embarks upon career-long learning; and externally, as they own responsibility towards students, parents, administrators, and the greater community. I will work tirelessly to represent all sectors of professional responsibility while serving the greater purpose of education. 

Inclusive Environment

The learning environment is perhaps one of the most integral parts of education. Fostering positive and supportive learning environment is foundational to the teaching practice. It is my goal to promote diversity and inclusion within the classroom, and I will work to ensure that my presence is reflective of a supportive and understanding environment.

Planning For Learning

In order to bring the needs of the students to the forefront, teachers must plan for multiple ways of instruction to ensure deep understanding takes place. I aim to develop lessons that will enrich learning and promote student's critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Facilitating Learning

I wish to invigorate the thoughts of my students and to offer many avenues for them to explore learning. I look forward to learning with my students and hope to be seen as an ally and advocate for their success. I believe that teaching presence is all-important when it comes to ensuring student's achievement in the classroom; I aspire to be a teacher that students not only feel comfortable around, but also one that they respect and admire. It is my ultimate goal to provide lessons in an engaging way that fosters understanding, growth, honesty, and love.


I believe that formative assessment is the cornerstone of education, students should not only be actively engaged in the assessment process, but they should develop a deep understanding of their own strengths and growth areas. Assessment should be reflective, reasonable, and honest.