LYNK on the Road

LYNK on the Road is an annual career exploration partnership between the Weissman Center and the Career Development Center. 

Open to first years and sophomores Lynk on the Road is a one day trip that is your ticket to career exploration in Public Service! Spend the day with Mount Holyoke Alums who are engaged in public service careers in politics, policy, advocacy, community activism, and government. Go on an exciting site visit! Network with alums from the area Alumnae Association.

Lynk on the Road Fall 2023 - NYC

Apply now to join us for the Fall 2023 Lynk on the Road trip to NYC! 

We'll visit the United Nations, meet and network with alums and attend an alum career panel where you'll have a chance to ask alums questions about their careers trajectory after Mount Holyoke.

Applications open now on Handshake! Search "Lynk" and follow steps to upload your application.

Application Deadline - OCTOBER 1.


Lynk on the Road 2023 - BOSTON

In Spring 2023 First Years and Sophomores headed to Boston to spend the day with Mount Holyoke Alums who are engaged in public service careers in politics, policy, advocacy, community activism, and government.


Lynk gets Local

In 2022 Lynk on the Road adapted to the pandemic and stayed local! Weissman Center Distinguished Fellow in Leadership Yulin Curz lead a training on creating a blueprint for leading in a crisis.

LYNK on the Road NYC

In 2018 Lynk on the Road traveled to New York City.  Students visited the United Nations and heard from panelists including Kathryn Carson '80, Board Chair of USA Gymnastics, Luminitia Cuna '00, Program Manager for the United Nations, Elaine Cheung '09, Chief of Staff - New York City Council, among others!

Lynk on the Road Albany

Lynk on the Road has visited alums as far away as the capitol of New York!