Problem workshop

String problems


New pods!

Status flags

Articulation practice

Remember: this is an opportunity to practice clear, concise and precise communication while working through the material!

Each group will work on one of the following problems that has to do with strings. 

Group 1

String matching: determine every occurrence of one string within another string (which may be none).

Group 2

Longest common subsequence: given two strings, find the longest common subsequence. A subsequence is a sequence of letters in the string that maintains the order, but may drop some letters. For example, cat is a subsequence of acrobat obtained by dropping the letters at indices 0, 2, 3 and 4. 

Group 3

Longest substring that can form a palindrome: given a string, find the longest substring (consecutive letters) that can be rearranged to form a palindrome. A palindrome is a string whose reverse is the same; for example, the word "kayak" is a palindrome.

Group 4

Longest valid parentheses substring: given a string of open and close parentheses, determine the longest substring that is well-formed. For example, ()(())() is well-formed, while ()()) is not. 

The Agenda