Articulation Practice

One of the goals of this class is for you to be able to communicate precisely about the algorithm design process. This includes being able to formulate questions, rephrase and discuss material as well as help others understand any and all steps of the process. These activities help you take ownership of your learning and mastery of the material:

Weekly learning reflection

Please fill this out to reflect on your learning each week (submit by end of day Friday). This will help both you and me support your learning in the course.

Topic module reflections

You are responsible for two 3-5 minute topic module reflections for your peers. This should be done as a video recording, posted to the Ed Discussion forum.

Use your time in a way that you feel will support your peers learning, which could be by:

You will be graded on

Group work and class engagement

You will often be working in groups of 3-4 to help support your learning. Be strategic about how you work together and how you approach the material. Here is some structure to guide your interactions:

Optional Peer Instruction Module

You may choose to prepare and lead your peers through a topic module and adjust your grading criteria (Grading Option B on the Syllabus).

The topic module may take the form of:

Modules will take place during the last class meetings. 

Some suggested agendas that have worked in the past:

I’m also happy to brainstorm about the topic and how you might use class time best!


You can work individually or groups of up to three


Your module must:

You will be assessed on:

By Fri 3/15:

By Mon 4/16: module materials