
CaMeW 2018 Schedule

Mount Holyoke College

June 24-26, 2018

Sunday, June 24, 2018

2-5 Participants arrive at Mount Holyoke College, check into Willits-Hallowell Hotel

5:50 Meet in lobby of Willits-Hallowell

6:00 Dinner (Community Dining Center)

7:00 Welcome and Workshop 1: Introductions, reflections and goal-setting (Clapp Lab 407)

8:30 Informal social time

Monday, June 25, 2018

8:00 Breakfast (Community Dining Center)

8:30 Workshop 2: The Job Search: overview (Clapp Lab 407)

10:15 Break and coffee (Clapp Lab 416)

10:30 Workshop 3: Application materials working session (Clapp Lab 407)

12:15 Lunch (Community Dining Center)

1:30 Workshop 4: Math talks: Each participant gives 15 minute talk on her research

Session 1: Clapp Lab 401

Participants: Lisa Kaylor, Carly Matson, Claire Merriman, Vy Nguyen

Mentors: Laura Hall-Seelig, Jennifer Koonz, Margaret Robinson

Session 2: Clapp Lab 402

Participants: Madeline Barnicle, Cindy Lester, Miriam Parnes, Sunny Xiao

Mentors: Reva Kasman, Janice Gifford, Amanda Ruiz

Session 3: Clapp Lab 420

Participants: Eva Comino, Joanne Lin, Alice Nadeau, Ashleigh Thomas

Mentors: Nessy Tania, Alanna Hoyer-Leitzel, Annie Raymond, Suzanne Weekes

Session 4: Clapp Lab 422

Participants: Emelie Curl, Jennifer Kenkel, Anila Yadavalli

Mentors: Sarah Ann Fleming, Amanda Beecher, Helen Grundman

3:15 Break (Clapp Lab 416)

3:30 Group photo

3:45 Panel discussion with Amanda Beecher, Helen Grundman, Alanna Hoyer-Leitzel, Jennifer Koonz, Annie Raymond (Clapp Lab 407)

5:15 Break/informal conversation with mentors

6:00 Dinner (Community Dining Center)

7:00 Keynote: Suzanne Weekes (Clapp Lab 407)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

8:00 Breakfast (Community Dining Center)

8:30 Workshop 5: The interviewing and decision process (Clapp Lab 407)

10:15 Break (Clapp Lab 416)

10:30 Workshop 6: Launching the Year Ahead (Clapp Lab 407)

11:30 Administrative wrap-up and Workshop evaluations (Clapp Lab 407)

12:00 Lunch and departure