The Career Mentoring Workshop for Women

The Career Mentoring Workshop (CaMeW) is a 3-day workshop for women entering their final year of doctoral work in the mathematical sciences.

This year's workshop will be held at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, June 24-26, 2018. Thanks to the Mount Holyoke Department of Mathematics and Statistics! We are excited to be holding the 7th CaMeW workshop.

The Career Mentoring Workshop aims to educate women on the academic job search process in a setting that allows them to form relationships with other women in mathematics. The goals of this conference are for each participant to leave the workshops with a good understanding of the process of establishing an academic career and mentors on whom she can call over the next year as well as a group of peers from across the nation who can provide additional support.

Fifteen participants will be invited to this summer's workshop. Faculty members from various academic institutions will mentor participants throughout the workshop. The mentors will be a mix of junior women who have recently finished their own PhDs and who now work in academia as well as more senior women who have been working in academia and seen the job search from both sides. These women will share their experiences of finishing their degrees, navigating the job search and establishing successful academic careers in a variety of institutions.

The key components of the workshop are:

  • Presentations by mathematics faculty on topics such as balancing finishing the dissertation with the job search, deciphering job ads, preparing application materials and interviewing
  • Working session on application materials during which participants will receive detailed feedback on their own materials
  • Mathematical talks by participants on their dissertation research
  • Interaction with junior and senior mathematics faculty
  • A keynote address by Dr. Suzanne Weekes.

We welcome applications from women and gender minorities. People from underrepresented minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Director: Rachelle DeCoste, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Wheaton College

Co-directors: Sarah Ann Fleming, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Belmont University

Reva Kasman, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Salem State Unversity

Jessica Sidman, Professor of Mathematics on the John S. Kennedy Foundation, Mount Holyoke College

For more information about the Career Mentoring Workshop, please contact Rachelle DeCoste (decoste_rachelle at wheatoncollege dot edu) or Jessica Sidman (jsidman at mtholyoke dot edu).