Credits & Photo Gallery

Some Personal Favorites



                                                                             With Prof. George M. Whitesides, Harvard University




                   With Prof. Jamie Paik, EPFL                                                                                                       With Prof. Paolo Dario, SSSA, Italy       




                                                                                              With Prof. Susan Hockfield, MIT   

                                                           With Prof. Stephen Quake, Stanford University and Prof. Luke Lee, UC Berkeley

                                                              With Prof. David Weitz, Harvard University and Prof. Luke Lee, UC Berkeley



                                                                                                   With Prof. Xuanhe Zhao, MIT  



                                                                 During "Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-chip" conference oral presentation


                                                                                   Laboratory of Medical Mechatronics, NUS


                                                                                        Surgical Training, Khoo Teck Puat Advance Surgery Training Centre (NUS)