Lead Volunteer Guide

Steps  to take as an Independent Volunteer 

Step 1 - Pick a Work Area (click on dropdown arrow to the right for instructions)

Use the various area guides below for information and ideas for ranger patrols!

Step 2 - Fill Out a Trail Communication Plan

Please fill out a Trail Communication Plan.  Read the MountAdamsVolunteerCommunicationProtocol PDF for instructions.  You will need to make sure you can communicate the entire time while you are out.  InReach satellite communicators are the preferred method.  Don't have an InReach?  Come by the rangers station during business hours and pick one up.   

Step 3 - Sign Up on the Group Calendar 

Step 4 - Gather Supplies for the Day

You will need to gather supplies for the day.  Make sure that you have the Ten Essentials, appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), a communication device with full batteries, and ranger report forms every time you go in the field.  If you are going overnight, you will need to to bring the proper overnight gear!

Step 5 - Head to the Field (don't forget to complete a tailgate safety session!)

Step 6 - Return from Field and fill out ranger report and volunteer time report

Fill out the forms below when you return from the field.  Remember to count the hours filling out the forms as Volunteer time!