Week 1

Community Diorama

This week's lesson will focus on what community is, why it's important, and we will be making a little shoebox community together. Each student will get to make a diorama in a shoebox of a location in their community that they find to be important or relevant to them. The hope is that we will get a variety of spaces so when they are shown together in the exhibition, we will have a pretty fleshed-out little shoebox community. The art kits have been shipped out and they will hopefully be on your doorstep before Saturday at 9 am. Everything they need will be in the kit minus the actual shoebox. or any old box you have lying around will work too. They will also need scissors as those are also not provided. If any kit is late and your student doesn't have all the materials, we will do our best to make do with what they can find, and if all they have is a paper, pencil, and some sort of adhesive we can still work with that. I'll have them make a community collage using the newspaper if they have one or just draw it if they don't have access to a newspaper or magazine. Something simple with easy-to-find supplies.

Joshua Carter


Caden Lynch


L Voges


Nancy Yan


Liam Strow


Terryona Flagg