UP 458: Housing and Real Estate Development

In this class, students learn about the housing and real estate development process. The course is structured around three topics: Housing in Society and the Economy; Planning for and Regulating Housing; and the Housing and Real Estate Development Process. Students learn real-world skills (data collection and analysis skills, analytical writing skills, and basic architectural/site design skills) and develop a concise, professional report. 

This is a very challenging, but highly rewarding, process. In the past, students have used the final project to expand their professional portfolio or as a writing sample for a graduate school or job application. 

Coming Soon! For the first time, this year students will present their report in the form of a publicly accessible website. See an example here. 

In Housing in Society and the Economy, students learn about the importance of housing for the economy, for communities, and for households and families. They learn to collect data from the U.S. Census Bureau and use these data to conduct a Housing Needs Assessment for a metropolitan area of their choosing. 

In Planning for and Regulating Housing, students learn about the regulatory and policy context in which housing development occurs and its impact on issues such as equity, affordability, and sustainability.  Students learn how to collect data on the local regulatory context in a city of their choosing, and use these data to evaluate whether the city is (Re)Development Ready

In the Housing and Real Estate Development Process, students learn about the development process from idea inception and site and building design to market analysis and analysis of return on investment (ROI).