
Click on an image or underlined text to find out more about my research. 

Funded and Award-Winning Research

Urban Informality

Aerial imagery of informal and formal housing.

Informal housing is what I have called the de facto affordable housing solution in this country. In the absence of adequate federal investment in affordable housing, informal housing is one of the few affordable housing options available to millions of families. 

Many residents in informal housing are disproportionately exposed to contaminated water and other forms of socio-spatial inequality and environmental risks.

Self-Help Housing

Aerial imagery illustrating the housing consolidation process.

City Boundary Changes: The Gerrymandering that No One Talks About

Cities are nearly as gerrymandered as congressional districts. Thousands of municipal boundary changes happen every year, but we rarely hear about this insidious method by which cities discriminate against low-income communities and communities of color.

Browse these gerrymandered cities.

Spatial Mismatches in Housing and Employment

Imagery of single-family housing.
Imagery of arrows.
Imagery of commercial property.
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Imagery of arrows.
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