Great Lakes Mathematical Physics Meeting 

The ninth GLaMP Meeting will take place on June 6 through June 8, 2025

The meeting will be conducted in-person, on the campus of the University of Kentucky in Lexington KY.

The conference will feature a mini-course by 

 Yaiza Canzani,  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


with invited talks by 


  Blair Davey, Montana State University


  David Penneys, Ohio State University

  Jake Fillman, Texas A & M University

  Renaud Raquépas, New York University

About GLaMP

GLaMP was started in 2016, with the goal to establish a conference series focused on Mathematical Physics in the broad sense and to provide a venue for young researchers in this field to present their work, to meet each other and to learn about various areas of Mathematical Physics outside their specific disciplines. Since 2017, GLaMP has been funded by a series of grants from the National Science Foundation. As such, in agreement with the guidelines of the NSF (PAPPG 2019, Chapter II.E.7, Conferences (p. II-40)), each GLaMP meeting has a code-of-conduct that addresses sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, or sexual assault

Since 2019, GLaMP has been a conference in cooperation with Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). We support the Welcoming Environment Statement of the AWM.  Also since 2019, we have received support from the International Association of Mathematical Physics, and the Journal of Mathematical Physics.  

GLaMP 2025 is supported by the: National Science Foundation