Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How many students are accepted to the program?

    • 1-3 students

On what basis will you choose the participants?

    • The first round of the application reviews is to make sure all requirements are met, including the following:

        1. Interest in science, entomology, research, or outreach.

        2. Pursuing a degree in a Michigan community college, university or have received an Associate's or Bachelor's degree within 1 year.

        3. 18 years or older

    • Next, of those applicants that met our requirements, will contact some for a virtual Zoom interview. Here’s some helpful info on the interviews

        1. We’ll be wearing “business casual” attire.

        2. We will send interview questions to you prior to the interview for you to prepare.

How many people generally apply for the fellowship?

    • In our first year, we recieved over 70 applications!

Is there a minimum age requirement?

    • Yes- 18 years old or older.

Is there a background check performed?

    • Yes, that will be a part of the hiring process through Michigan State University (MSU).

Are there specific work days during the week?

    • Most weeks students will work Monday through Friday, but the student and mentor will work out flexibility on dates.

How long is the fellowship?

    • The fellowship runs for 12 weeks in the summer.

If I'm doing field work, how far away are the field sites generally?

    • 10 minutes to 2.5 hours away from MSU main campus in East Lansing, MI.

Would we be getting a W-2 or some other kind of tax form?

    • Yes, you will receive a W-2 from Michigan State.

Is COVID-19 vaccination required?

    • No, you do not have to be vaccinated to work at MSU. Masks are required on campus regardless of vaccination status.

Do we choose our mentor or do they choose us?

    • The EROF committee and mentors will choose who is matched together. During the interview we will provide you with project specifics and you can rank which projects sound most interesting to you. We will do our best to match mentor and student preferences.

Has there been a lot of interest? I want to know my chances.

    • All eligible applicants have a chance!

Which labs at MSU are involved?

    • Our application process for mentors is ongoing, so we can provide project specifics during your interview.

Would the interest statement in the application determine whether someone makes it to the interview or not?

    • No, but we’d love to hear why you are interested. Please be honest in your interest statement. You do not have to know everything about bugs to be considered a good candidate. We want you to be excited about this research opportunity and open to learning new things!

What is the suggested length of the application essay?

    • There is no required essay length.

I put in my application, will we get an email saying you received it?

    • No, as long as you hit submit we received it. If you haven’t heard from us by March 22nd please email us directly at erofmsu@gmail.com.

I’m currently pursuing my associates, would I be considered exempt?

    • No, you are highly encouraged to participate and apply! If you are enrolled at any 2 or 4 year institution or college then you are eligible to apply.

I might have a friend or two who are interested, is it too late for them to register/apply?

    • Feel free to spread the word about EROF! You can forward the FAQ and slides to anyone you think may be interested in applying.

Are you allowed to request days off if you have other obligations?

    • Yes you can! Please just your mentor know ahead of time so they can make the accommodations as necessary.

For housing, what would you recommend if we were to come to East Lansing from out of state?

    • We do not provide housing, you would have to find your own accommodations in the area.

Do you have to be an MSU student?

    • No, priority will be given to non-MSU students, however MSU students are still eligible to apply.

Are there many different projects we would work on through the summer, or will we be mostly focused on one major project?

    • You will focus on one project for the 12 week program. However, mentors are willing to help you explore any personal research questions you may have.

Will we be providing our own lunch?

    • Yes, you will need to bring your own meal(s) throughout the day.

Do you recommend learning any of the data gathering programs beforehand, or are they easy enough to learn while we're there?

    • You are not required to learn any data programs prior to this program. If a data program is necessary for your project, then your mentor will provide training for you.

Does MSU provide pay for travel costs to commute to MSU?

    • No, we do not provide travel costs to commute to MSU. Once you are on campus, then travel costs will be covered for any commuting to field sites.

What will be the hours per day?

    • Typically, the work day will run from 8AM-4PM or 9-5pm. If your project has field work you may have to go in earlier occasionally for field days.

Would you send out other possible positions through email?

    • Yes, we would be happy to pass along your information to other labs hiring if you don’t receive the fellowship.

    • Here is a link to sign up for ecology job alerts around the world: https://www.esa.org/membership/ecolog/

If you have any questions that weren't covered here, feel free to reach out through email at erofmsu@gmail.com