
An Educational Experience Designed For You

In the "hub-and-spokes" model, all students read a set of core readings that provide shared vocabulary and understanding of the history of mathematics as a human endeavor. That's the "hub".

Then, you get to bring your own intellectual strengths and curiosities to this course. As such, you will choose a sub-topic that aligns with your academic interests. Examples of recent sub-topics have included: Art and Architecture, The History of Navigation, Renaissance-era medicine, Women as Mathematicians, The Art of War, and The History of Computing. Once you choose your subtopic, you will work with Dr. Edwards to select a personal set of readings and questions that will shape your experience in the course. Each of these sub-topics are the "spokes".

Our goal is to tap into your knowledge and passions so that we might all better understand the world (both past and present). Each student should view themselves as a valued contributor to the course, as co-teachers, and collaborators.