Welcome to Our Online Project Headquarters!

Share this page with friends, neighbors and colleagues. We need you!

Personal safety in our neighborhoods and downtown is important to all of us.

Did you know that the design of our streets, sidewalks, landscaping, lighting and much more can directly impact crime levels?

Get engaged & share your stories. Share your ideas for change in your neighborhood & downtown!

News & Updates

  • August 27, 2020: Our Leadership Roundtable Event is this week! Please visit this site for recordings of the presentations and a summary of discussions!

  • August 17, 2020: Harmony Gmazel, Educator with MSU Extension, provided a project update to Adrian's City COmmissioners tonight, inviting them to the Aug 27th Roundtable.

  • August 12, 2020 Harmony Gmazel provided a project update to Adrian's Downtown Development Authority, the body who first supported this effort a year ago!

  • August 7, 2020: Surveys and Photovoice submissions are open! Submit your thoughts and pictures today! All family members, neighbors, visitors and people who care about Adrian are invited to participate!

  • August 4, 2020 :Harmony Gmazel provided a project update to Adrian's Planning Commission.

Going on Now!

Open to residents and people who care about our city- of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

Photovoice: Going on Now!

Share 2 photos that tell your neighborhood story. Upload a short story or video that describes your photos.

Learn about 'Crime Prevention through Environmental Design' and Howell's Planning Process

This project is led by a community steering committee, with technical leadership from the following partners: