Summary of our Experience!


Key Learning include:

  • Creating Arts as a Tool for Character Development
  • Art Blogs
  • Building Educational Relationships with Museums

How this PD experience will impact our pedagogy:

This experience will impact our pedagogy in many ways. This trip has motivated us to try new things and reignited our passion for teaching art. I am going to reach out to our local history museum to try and foster a relationship with them. I know relationships take time so as I foster the one with the history museum I will look at other community relationships that could benefit my classroom. I am going to alter how my students reflect on their art by having them create blogs where they can talk about their learning and art experiences. If I don't use Weebly I will use google sites. I am going to share this blog out to other teachers in my district so that they can share in the experience.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this experience for other educators! Visiting other schools and teachers is a great way to learn about new and fresh practices to enhance your classroom.