AP Human Geography

Welcome to our class website.  This page serves as a digital syllabus for parents and students and does not contain any coursework.  All student coursework will be found on our Google Classroom page.

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Please contact me anytime you have questions or concerns.

Dan Lamping / LampingD@msdr9.org

Scroll through the slideshow below to see our daily agenda.

AP Human Geography 2023-2024

The AP Exam and College credit

AP Human Geography is meant to be a college level course using standardized curriculum, written by the College Board.  It is a year long elective open to all four grade levels at MHS.  In order to receive college credit for the class, students must take the AP Exam at the end of the year.  Taking the exam usually costs around $100.  Students sign up to take the exam through the MHS Counseling Department.  Sign up occurs in November.  Student performance on the AP Exam is the main determining factor for whether college credit can be received for the course.  Other factors that influence whether students can receive college credit include what scores on the exam colleges or universities accept or whether AP Human Geography is a class that the school accepts.  

AP human geography units

Unit 1: Thinking Geographically

Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes

Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes

Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes

Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes

Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes

Course Skills

The AP Human Geography framework included in the CED outlines distinct skills that students should practice throughout the year—skills that will help them learn to think and act like geographers.

1. Concepts and Processes:  Analyze geographic theories, approaches, concepts, processes, or models in theoretical and applied contexts

2. Spatial Relationships:  Analyze geographic patterns, relationships, and outcomes in applied contexts

3. Data Analysis:  Analyze and interpret quantitative geographic data represented in maps, tables, charts, graphs, satellite images, and infographics

4. Source Analysis:  Analyze and interpret qualitative geographic information represented in maps, images (e.g., satellite, photographs, cartoons), and landscapes

 5. Scale Analysis:  Analyze geographic theories, approaches, concepts, processes, and models across geographic scales to explain spatial relationships

To learn more about class curriculum, please look follow this link to the College Board.

Grade Book, Late Work, Revisions and Re-dos

Grades in AP Human Geography come primarily from assessments, which can include traditional tests, quizzes, projects or other assessments of learning.  We have daily coursework, checks for understanding and other formative assessments that are designed to help students learn and to provide feedback.  Daily course work and formative assessments don't always factor directly into the class grade.  They may be put into the gradebook to help tell the story and to give parents and TAP teachers an idea of what we're doing in class, but they may not weighted.

Anything that is weighted towards as students grade should be seen as an assessment of learning. 

Due dates will be provided for coursework.  However, due dates should not be seen as absolute.  They are guidelines for students to follow in order to keep up with the pace that the class is moving. For all coursework students are afforded flexibility based upon their needs outside of school.  Late work does not receieve a grade deducation, unless there is some time sensitive component to the assignment, where students are part of a group or are scheduled to present to the class.  In these circumstances, if getting work done on time is essential to the task, students may receive a reduction in grade if they are not prepared when they need to be.

Because learning is a process and because we can often learn from assessments, students will be allowed to revise / re-do work or do test corrections for full-credit.  To re-do or improve upon a graded assessment or to do test corrections there will always be some expectation of intervention based upong the following criteria.