
Teachers learn how to create learning stations that run themselves...making this perfect for even the youngest learners. This classroom idea combines tech tools like Google Forms, Screencastify, a QR Code Maker, etc. to create an efficient, effective, and engaging formative assessment piece for the classroom.

Who doesn’t like an exciting adventure? Come and learn how you can turn the lessons you are already teaching into exciting learning adventures for your students. This session will focus on ways you can use unique Google tools (Google Maps, HyperDocs, Pegman, My Maps) to hook your students, build valuable background knowledge, and inspire students of all ages to go deeper in their learning.

Are you looking for ways to make your lessons more exciting for your students, more efficient for your planning, and more effective so learning goes deeper? In this session, we will explore Chrome apps/extensions that will make student engagement soar. You will learn a little about each tool, see how it looks in the classroom, and leave with lesson plan ideas for each one. Once you factor in the needs of your students and add in appropriate content for your subject/grade level, these extensions are sure to become valuable assets in your classroom.

Do you want to use great tech tools in your classroom...but need help organizing them in your lessons? What if you could pre-plan an excellent lesson that would increase student engagement AND offer more one-on-one help to your students at the same time? Would you like for your students to take more ownership of their learning? HyperDocs (and/or multimedia text sets) are the perfect solution for your classroom. This session will introduce you to the basics so you will know how to easily package the best learning pieces for your students. You will be surprised how many design choices you have, how easy it is to differentiate instruction, and how making little changes in your presentation can result in big changes in your classroom.

There is so much Google's hard to know where to begin! This session starts with the basics...and sprinkles in lots of goodness that the Google Suite offers to make lessons more engaging for students. You will learn tips and tricks that can not only save you time as a teacher, but magical things that will turn learning into adventures. This session will tie the tools you are familiar with to content areas you teach in your classrooms everyday.

We all know that teachers use formative assessment to drive instruction in the classroom, but what if your students could show evidence of learning in creative ways AND have fun in the process? This session will take you way beyond multiple choice and exit tickets by introducing you to some of the best tech tools your students can use to "Show what they know" in an engaging, entertaining, and effective way.

We all WANT TO use more technology in our classrooms, but who has the time to think of ways to make that happen? Many teachers know how to use the tools, but need ideas on how they can be incorporated into daily lesson plans. This session is designed to provide classroom teachers with lesson ideas and activities that integrate Google Apps for Education and Chrome extensions in practical ways to remediate and accelerate learning. Teachers will learn that they can tweak lessons they are already teaching and easily implement technology to enhance instruction and increase student engagement.

Have you ever thought...“There must be a better way”? We all know there are many demands on a teacher’s time, so this session will focus on valuable Chrome extensions that will help enhance student engagement in effective and efficient ways. You will learn a little about each tool, see how it looks in the classroom, and leave with lesson plan ideas for each one.

Do you want to increase student engagement while challenging your students to own their own learning? In this session, you will learn how you can differentiate instruction using Google Apps for Education to create multimedia text sets. Your students just think they are on different teams to compete in the "Amazing Race"...but secretly you are designing individualized instruction. Come experience the journey and learn how to design your own learning adventures for the classroom.

We've all been trapped in THAT professional development before. You know...the one that you tuned out because you had something else on your mind. You know...the one where you felt out of the loop because the speaker went too fast. You know that if you could hear it one more time might "get it". Meeting your teachers where they are...with ideas that make professional development more exciting...will allow your teachers to escape boring and embrace learning. Come and learn how you can use Chrome apps and extensions to "set them free". What if there was a way to to clone yourself or offer a "teacher-on-demand" feature? There is. This is the session that just might be a game changer for you.

If you are looking for ways to enhance lessons you are already teaching with Chromebooks in an effective and efficient way...this session is packed with ideas and activities for the content areas in the elementary classroom. Come and learn about a variety of tech tools that are sure to make student engagement soar.