Grading Narratives

Welcome to the Music Grading Narratives page!

Understanding your child's music grade!

When your child receives their report card or progress report, there will be a grade reported for music, art and PE. The grades for all specials are earned based on demonstrations of expected behavior and effort. We do not grade on ability! The grading system that the students see in the music room every week is as follows:

  • I did what was asked of me, that is why I earned a 3
  • There was more that I could do, that is why I earned a 2
  • I did not do what should be done, that is why I earned a 1

Your student earns one of these grades each music class and then the average is reported on the report card/progress report. If you are interested in learning more about what we have been working on each trimester, please peruse the grading narratives! Narratives for each trimester are posted the day reports are mailed home.

If you ever have a question or concern about your child's work in the music room, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!